What is Telstra Data Protect Installation


The Telstra Data Protect Installation service (Service) comprises installation, configuration, verification and hand over of Telstra Data Protect software on nominated and compatible devices and servers (Backup Target Devices).

The Service is a fully hosted cloud data backup solution comprising access to the Telstra Data Protect administrative portal and user licenses for server and device software.


The charges for your Service depend on the number of Backup Target Devices in respect of which you purchase the Service and whether you request onsite installation or installation outside of our standard business hours.  Standard rates for the Service are set out below.

What’s not included

The Service does not include:

·       the Telstra Data Protect service (you must purchase this separately from us);

·       equipment installation or connectivity;

·       ongoing monitoring or management of your Telstra Data Protect service; or

·       anything else not explicitly described as being part of the Service.

Minimum Term and ETCs

There is no minimum term or early termination charges for this Service.

Information about the service


Unless otherwise agreed with you, the Service will be delivered remotely during our standard business hours of 9am - 5pm on weekdays (except public holidays in the state or territory in which you are located).  On-site installation or installation outside of our standard business hours may be available for additional fees.

Remote installation requires matching time commitments from your elected administrator for orientation, remote hand assistance or training.


The Service includes setup and activation of Telstra Data Protect on compatible endpoint devices up to specified limits and verifies that the Telstra Data Protect service is operational before handling the administration responsibility over to your nominated administrator.

A summary of the standard inclusions is set out below:


Installation Service Inclusion

Admin Portal
(optional one-off charge)

Essential 1

Inclusion limits

Activation of Backup Target Devices 


Installation of Telstra Data Protect instance on 1 Backup Target Device

Backup protection plan profiles


1 backup protection policy

Creation of backup protection plan profile(s) in the Telstra Data Protect application

1 admin user


Delivery coordination 



Change management



Setup Telstra Data Protect Admin portal and Admin user



Setup backup protection plans in Admin portal2

2 - Create backup protection policies including rules and schedules



Setup Backup Target Devices3

3 - Deploy and activate the Telstra Data Protect plans that you bought from us to work with the Backup Target Device



Release and Deployment Management4

4 - To help ensure that these changes have reduced impact on the business operation 



Service validation and testing 



Price per installation



Information about Pricing

Admin Portal is the setup and handover of the Admin portal to manage the backup service as provided by your Telstra Data Protect subscription.  This is essential for a new Telstra Data Protect service.

Essential 1 is a per device, remote installation of the Telstra data Protect backup agent on the Backup Target Devices and activating the backup service into the Telstra Data Protect cloud storage subscription.


Call out fees are applicable to non-Metro locations if an onsite installation service is requested.  Work outside the standard Service package inclusions will attract additional fees, as separately agreed with you.  For further details on call out fees speak to your Telstra Business Technology Centre representative.

Other information

Fair Use Policy

Use of this service is governed by a fair use policy, which deals with excessive use.  For further details visit  telstra.com.au/customer-terms/business-government


Services will be invoiced upon completion of the agreed deliverables or once you have signed and returned a client acceptance certificate to us in respect of the Service.

Bill payment charges

Fees and charges may apply for bill delivery and payment of your invoice, depending on the method.

We do have fee free options available - more information is available at:

Personal: telstra.com/payment-fees

Business: telstra.com/fees-on-payment-methods


Please visit telstra.com.au/contact-us us if you have questions about your offer, technical support, service or connection. Alternatively, you can call us on 13 22 00 or 1800 808 981 (TTY). To report technical issues while overseas, you can call our 24/7 International Roaming Helpdesk on +61 439 12 5109.


If you have a problem or complaint about your service, go to telstra.com/complaints where you'll find full contact details and information about how to resolve it.


If you can't resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman by phone on 1800 062 058. For full contact information, visit tio.com.au/about-us/contact-us

This is a summary only - the full legal terms for your service are contained in your agreement with Telstra, including Our Customer Terms which is available at telstra.com.au/customer-terms.