Information about the service
The Telstra Enterprise Fund (TEF) is accumulated based on a percentage of your spending on eligible Telstra solutions. The Funds are available upfront once the TEF is implemented and can be used to redeem products or services listed on the Telstra Funds Eligibility Checklist.
- Minimum Term
TEF Contracts are available for 12, 24, or 36 months.
- Contributions
TEF contributions must range from a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $250,000 per month on eligible spend.
For example, if you commit to $10,000 per month in Data and IP spend over a 12-month term, you will receive a 10% TEF, resulting in a $12,000 TEF.
- Minimum Monthly Charge and Early Termination Charges
Your Minimum Monthly Charge (MMC) is determined based on how much you want to commit to and contribute towards your TEF contract.
For example, if you want to commit to $1000 in Data and IP spend, you must continue to spend that amount monthly for the term of your TEF contract.
When you commit to a MMC, you cannot increase or decrease this MMC spend throughout the term. Upon implementation of the TEF, any month that you don’t meet your MMC commitment, you will be charged the difference.
For example, if you commit to $1000 in Data & IP Spend and end up reducing your Data & IP connections and get billed $800, you will be charged an additional $200 as a TEF account fee for the difference.
If you terminate or cancel your contract before the end of your agreed term, you will need to pay an early termination charge (ETC).
This ETC is calculated as:
Your MMC Spend x the number of months remaining in your contract term x by 0.35.
This will be billed to your Telstra bill.
- Fund Balances
To track your TEF balances, contact a Telstra Representative to request your balances. On your report you will have two balances listed. The first being your Current Balance, which includes only the transactions that have been completed and posted to your account. The second being your Available Balance, which includes the transactions that have not yet been posted to your account.
- Redeeming from your Fund
Eligible Redemptions:
You can use TEF to redeem products or services listed on the Telstra Funds Eligibility Checklist.
Anything not listed on the Telstra Funds Eligibility Checklist is automatically excluded.
Redemption Conditions:
When redeeming your TEF, the following conditions must be met:
- All eligible items must be billed on your Telstra Billing Account linked to your TEF.
- Redemptions must be made within 90 days of billing.
- There should be no undisputed aged debt over 90 days on your Telstra Bill.
- All hardware being redeemed must be related to a Telstra service or solution.
How to redeem your TEF:
If you want to redeem from your TEF, please raise a request via Telstra Connect or by getting in touch with your Telstra Representative.
- Expiry
Once your TEF expires, any pending or unused redemptions will also expire. Your TEF cannot be extended, reinstated, or transferred to another TEF. To make the most of your TEF, ensure all redemptions are submitted well in advance (at least one month before expiry) to allow sufficient time for processing.
Other information
- Complaints
If there’s something you’re not happy with and you wish to make a complaint, visit We like to make every attempt to resolve any issue but you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman by phone on 1800 062 058 or visit if you'd like an independent investigation.
This is a summary only. The full legal terms for this plan are available at
- Need Help?
For any support with your TEF please get in touch with your Telstra Representative. Visit for our support options. Call 13 20 00 or 133 677 (TTY), or +61 439 12 5109 from overseas, to speak to someone about your plan or to obtain a copy of this summary in an alternative /accessible format.