Unlimited Business Internet
Monthly Charges

Monthly Charge

Casual month to month

Monthly Data Allowance
Business Demand Data
Cost per Megabyte (MB)

Included on nbn technology types only

Minimum Term
Maximum Term
Calls + SMS + MMS

To standard Australian numbers

Calls + SMS + MMS

To international numbers

Roaming Calls + SMS + MMS

For use while overseas


To standard Australian numbers

Local Calls- Included
National calls – Included
Mobile Calls - Included
13 Calls - Included

To international numbers

Standard international rates at https://www.telstra.com.au/small-business/internet/plans/international-calling or the $20 Business International Calling Pack for unlimited calls to standard numbers in selected international destinations

Telstra Wi-Fi Modem
Telstra Business Smart Modem

24 month term only

What's Included
Your plan includes:
  • A phone service on the PSTN or nbn network
  • An internet service on the nbn network, ADSL or Cable 
  • Account Management Support
  • On-Account Calls 
  • MessageBank®
  • Calling Number Display 
  • Mobile Broadband back-up - where you are using a Telstra Business Smart Modem™
  • Static Ip address (except cable) - one IPv4 and one range of dual stack IPv6 addresses (except on Telstra BigPond cable services)
What's Not Included
  • The data allowance included with this plan cannot be shared with any other services 
  • Calls and data outside of the inclusions will be charged separately 
  • Other Voice Add-ons: IP Handset ($10/month) /Hunt Group ($10/month) / Virtual Receptonist ($10/month)
Minimum Cost

Includes set up costs

Casual month to month Min cost $430 for new customers who cancel after 1 month (incl. $99 connection fee and $216 modem). If you leave within 24 months pay out the modem pro rata ($9/mth) or stay connected to have the fee waived.
24 month term
Casual month to month Min cost $430 for new customers who cancel after 1 month (incl. $99 connection fee and $216 modem). If you leave within 24 months pay out the modem pro rata ($9/mth) or stay connected to have the fee waived.
Maximum Cost

Includes set up costs

24 month term
Casual month to month
Maximum Early Termination Charges (ETC)
Maximum Early Termination Charges (ETC)

12 month term

Maximum Early Termination Charges (ETC)

24 month term

Maximum Early Termination Charges (ETC)

Casual month to month


Plan price may change.

Monthly Charge

Casual month to month

Unlimited Business Internet
Monthly Data Allowance
Unlimited Business Internet

To standard Australian numbers

Unlimited Business Internet
Local Calls- Included
National calls – Included
Mobile Calls - Included
13 Calls - Included

to international calls

Unlimited Business Internet

Standard international rates at https://www.telstra.com.au/small-business/internet/plans/international-calling or the $20 Business International Calling Pack for unlimited calls to standard numbers in selected international destinations

What's Included?
Unlimited Business Internet
Your plan includes:
  • A phone service on the PSTN or nbn network
  • An internet service on the nbn network, ADSL or Cable 
  • Account Management Support
  • On-Account Calls 
  • MessageBank®
  • Calling Number Display 
  • Mobile Broadband back-up - where you are using a Telstra Business Smart Modem™
  • Static Ip address (except cable) - one IPv4 and one range of dual stack IPv6 addresses (except on Telstra BigPond cable services)
What's Not Included
Unlimited Business Internet
  • The data allowance included with this plan cannot be shared with any other services 
  • Calls and data outside of the inclusions will be charged separately 
  • Other Voice Add-ons: IP Handset ($10/month) /Hunt Group ($10/month) / Virtual Receptonist ($10/month)
Minimum Cost

Includes set up costs

Unlimited Business Internet
Casual month to month
Min cost $430 for new customers who cancel after 1 month (incl. $99 connection fee and $216 modem). If you leave within 24 months pay out the modem pro rata ($9/mth) or stay connected to have the fee waived.

Plan price may change.

Information about the service

Service availability

This plan is available to you if you: 

  • Are a business customer and are billed directly by Telstra
  • Pre-select Telstra for long-distance, international and mobile calls 

Service not available to all areas, site addresses or customers. The type of service offered may need further qualification checks to determine what’s available at your location.  We’ll try to contact you if all your services can’t be connected, however if we can’t get in touch you’ll be connected to the lowest-priced plan(s). You’ll be notified if this happens and if you're not satisfied you can cancel your order free of charge.

Changing your plan

From time to time we may make changes to your plan or add ons (including price and inclusions), or we may move you to a new plan (which may cost more). If we reasonably think that a change is likely to be detrimental to you, we’ll tell you at least 30 days before making it. If you don’t like the change you can change or cancel your plan or add ons and just pay out your device, accessories and services in full.

Mobile Broadband Back-up

Your new plan includes a mobile broadband back-up. The Mobile Broadband Back-up can only be used with your Telstra Business Smart Modem™. If there is an outage of the broadband service, you will still have access to the internet via the mobile broadband back up service. Some services may not work in back-up (e.g. services hosted on-premise when Static IP is in use).  If we reasonably believe you are misusing the back-up service, we will contact you. If you continue to misuse the back-up service, we may:

  • suspend or limit your mobile broadband back-up service; and/or
  • cancel your mobile broadband back-up service by telling you at least 7 days beforehand


You will need a compatible phone (not included). We will provide you with a Telstra Business Smart Modem™/Telstra Smart Modem that supports voice services if you are taking up a new service. If you wish to use your own modem then whilst we are required to undertake post-migration testing we may be unable to do so successfully and if any other known issues are affecting your nbn service then you must inform us about these, as these issues will need to be resolved prior to any post-migration testing commencing.

nbn™ network speeds

  • Plans on the nbn network include Standard Plus (Fixed Wireless Plus - FW only) speed on the nbn network. 
  • A Premium Speed Boost is also available all nbn technologies (excluding nbn Fixed Wireless).
  • Actual FTTN/FTTB/FTTC speeds are confirmed after connection.
  • Customers on the nbn Fixed Wireless technology type will receive standard plus evening speed and are not eligible for Premium Speed Boost.

For information on broadband types and the speeds available please visit telstra.com.au/small-business/internet/nbn/nbn-speeds-explained

Other charges

In addition to the monthly charge, you may pay the following connection and installation charges:

Connection charge
For new Telstra Phone or Internet customers: $99 (not charged with Standard Professional Installation).
Standard Professional Installation $299 if a technician visits your premises
Non-standard installations Additional charges apply for non-standard installations such as complex or remote area installations and additional connection points.
Connecting to the nbn network nbn co charges $300 for first-time connections in new developments and $297 for an additional connection requiring installation of additional nbn equipment. We’ll let you know if this applies to you.
Premium Speed Boost $25/mth for customers on the nbn network (excluding Fixed Wireless). If you already have a speed boost, you will continue to receive your speed boost and be charged for it each month unless you cancel it.
Additional Voice Line $50/mth up to 9 lines
Business International Calling Pack $20/mth per month

nbn Speed Add-ons and charges





$25/mth in addition to your chosen plan charges.* Only available to FTTP/C & HFC & selected FTTN/B customers.




$35/mth in addition to your chosen plan charges.* For nbn FTTP and most nbn HFC customers.




$75/mth in addition to your chosen plan charges.* For nbn FTTP and some nbn™ HFC customers.

Premium Plus



$45/mth in addition to your chosen plan charges.* For nbn FTTP customers.




$230/mth in addition to your chosen plan charges.* For nbn FTTP customers.

Ultra Plus



$165/mth in addition to your chosen plan charges.* For nbn FTTP customers with a BYO Router.



(Telstra FTTP)

$15/mth in addition to your chosen plan charges.* For Telstra FTTP customers.

* Monthly cost of speed add-on is in addition to the monthly cost of your Standard or Ultimate plan and may change if your month to month add-on price changes. 

Moving to the nbn network

Contact us if you wish to transfer to Telstra on the nbn network. If you don’t, we’ll continue to provide your service up until the date on which we’re required by law to disconnect your services. No Telstra Wi-Fi Modem device payout fee will be charged in these circumstances. If you are moving your service(s) to Telstra then you should not request your service(s) to be disconnected from your current provider until your Telstra service is operational.

nbn satisfaction guarantee

If you are moving to the nbn network with Telstra for the first time and you’re not happy with your nbn services for any reason, let us know within 30 days of connection and we’ll do our best to fix it or you can cancel your nbn services without penalty. We’ll even refund your monthly plan fee for that first month. Find out more at telstra.com/guarantee


On the same day of each month, you’ll be billed in advance for the minimum charge, as well as for use during the month. The figures in this Critical Information Summary are for a full billing cycle.

Bill payment charges

Fees and charges may apply for bill delivery and payment of your invoice, depending on the method.

We do have fee free options available - more information is available at:

Personal: telstra.com/payment-fees

Business: telstra.com/fees-on-payment-methods

Need help? We're here for you.

Visit telstra.com/contactus for our support options. Call 13 20 00 or 133 677 (TTY), or +61 439 12 5109 from overseas, to speak to someone about your plan or to obtain a copy of this summary in an alternative /accessible format.


If there’s something you’re not happy with and you wish to make a complaint, visit telstra.com/complaints. We like to make every attempt to resolve any issue but you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman by phone on 1800 062 058 or visit tio.com.au/about-us/contact-us if you'd like an independent investigation.

This is a summary only – the full legal terms for this plan are contained in your agreement with Telstra, including Our Customer Terms which is available at telstra.com/customer-terms

Fair Use Policy

You must comply with our Fair Use Policy and not use your services in an unreasonable or fraudulent manner or in a way that detrimentally interferes with the integrity of the network. We may take action if you breach the Fair Use Policy, including suspending or cancelling your service.

Staying safe online

Learn about staying safe online, including the safe use of devices and content filters, the role of eSafety, and how to report harmful online content.