Realise Cloud Webinar

Next Step Edge Computing – How to plan the network evolution of cloud.

Discover and understand the breadth of possibilities with Telstra Edge that can help unleash the potential of your business.

We are on the precipice of a revolution in enterprise and consumer technology, enabled by 5G and artificial intelligence and machine learning. This revolution is going to change the way we live and work.  

In this thought leadership forum, our exclusive panel of industry leaders from Microsoft, Ericsson and Telstra deep dive into how Edge adoption is driven by the need to differentiate through near real-time analytics for business decision-making market assessment and customer service as well as addressing questions from businesses like yours on topics such as:

  • Current trends and vision on Edge Computing and the interlock of complementary technologies such as cloud, networking, 5G and professional / managed services with an understanding of where customers are deploying new innovative Edge Computing solutions locally and globally.
  • The risks of NOT considering Edge Computing, why it should be on your radar and your innovation planning.
  • Why 5G is an important component of your solution design and strategy for your business.  
  • Your opportunity to ask those burning questions to our Edge experts.

Duration: 59 minutes


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Please watch the webinar below.

Next Step Edge Computing – How to plan the network evolution of cloud.

46 minutes

Discover and understand the breadth of possibilities with Telstra Edge that can help unleash the potential of your business.