Set up my Telstra Smart Modem

Includes set-up instructions for Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), Fixed Wireless (FW), Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC), Fibre to the Node (FTTN), Fibre to the Building (FTTB), Fibre to the Curb (FTTC), Telstra 4G Fixed Wireless and Opticomm access network. If you have a 5G modem, go to 5G Internet for Home or Business.

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    Before you begin

    During the set-up of your Home Internet connection, you will temporarily lose access to the internet and your existing services that rely on an internet connection – including your telephones and medical, fire and security alarms. It's important you have an alternative form of communication handy during set-up, such as a charged mobile phone.

    If you have any of the following alarms you need to contact your medical or security provider directly and check that it will work on your new Home Internet service. 

    • Monitored fire alarm
    • Medical alert service
    • Back-to-base security alarm
    • Emergency lift phone.

    To ensure a smooth installation

    Disconnect any telephones, modems (including ADSL filters) and fax machines from your telephone wall sockets. After you've switched to the nbn®'s network, these sockets will no longer work unless your connection type is Fibre to the Node or Fibre to the Building.

    Moving your home phone 

    If you wish to connect your home phone in different areas of the house, existing phone sockets will need to be rewired to work on the nbn's network:

    • You can organise this with a qualified electrician, or
    • You can use a wireless handset that connects to a back to base hub plugged in to the modem.

    Find a place for your modem

    Depending on your connection type for the best signal and Wi-Fi strength we recommend placing your modem near a window in an open area elevated off the floor. You'll need a power point and access to the nbn connection box or Opticomm ONT or a telephone wall socket nearby. 

    For 4G Fixed Wireless the placement of your modem is important to getting the best speed and performance.  A strong signal is indicated by the green light on the back of your modem.

    Don't place your modem near large metal objects that may block or interfere with its signal, such as:

    • refrigerators
    • microwaves
    • TVs
    • steel-mesh window security screens.

    Setting up your Telstra Smart Modem

    To set up your new Telstra Smart Modem by connection type, you can download the set-up guide, watch the video or follow our step-by-step instructions below. Installation will take up to 30 minutes.

    Not sure what type of internet connection you have in your area? Check what type of internet connection you have

    Choose your current connection type or set-up:

    How to set up your Telstra Smart Modem for nbn - FTTP and FW

    Video content description:

    An instructional video for how to set up your Telstra Smart Modem for nbn connection types Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) and Fixed Wireless (FW).

    In this video I will talk you through how to set up your new Telstra Smart Modem, and connect to your nbn service. 

    This video focuses specifically on nbn Fibre to the Premise, or FTTP for short, as well as nbn Fixed Wireless. If you have another connection type, please select the video that relates to that one. 

    And if you have any further questions, during or after this video, head to for our online help centre.

    This set up process itself will take around half an hour, and the transitioning of your fixed services to the nbn can take up to 1 hour. So, it’s a good idea to make sure you have another way to contact or be contacted if the need arises. A charged mobile should do the trick.

    Before we get started, have your Telstra Smart Modem and any cables that came in the box ready to go. Be sure to take the time read any information that came with those devices, especially the Health & Safety information and incompatible devices.

    Decide on where your modem will live. You’ll want to make sure this isn’t inside a cabinet, or behind any large objects, to ensure you get the best Wi-Fi signal throughout your home.

    You’ll also need to have one power outlet and access to the nbn connection box nearby.

    Once you’ve settled on a spot, unplug any and all devices connected to telephone ports around your home. Now we’re ready to begin.

    Retrieve the modem from its box and locate the cord with one yellow end and one red end. 

    Take that yellow end of the cord, and plug it into the yellow port on the nbn connection box

    And plug the red end in to the red port on the Smart Modem

    The power cord for the Smart Modem will be connected already, so now take the grey power adaptor, plug that into a nearby power outlet, and switch it on.

    The Telstra Smart Modem is now going to start up. When it does the light at the front will be white, letting you know that the device has powered up. While it’s in the process of connecting to the internet it will turn orange, and once a connection is established it will turn green

    It’s not uncommon for that light to change back and forth between these colours while it’s starting up, so don’t worry if it goes green for a moment and then back to orange again.

    This start up and connection process will usually take around 15 minutes but can take up to half an hour in some instances. Once the light on the front settles on green, you’re ready to connect to the internet!

    Even if you don’t need to use your service right away, it’s important to leave that all set up as we will need to run a few tests on your newly connected service, just to make sure everything is working properly.

    But if you do want to get into it right away, you don’t need to wait. We’ll run those tests in the background, so you can feel free to start connecting your devices to your Telstra Smart Modem.

    To connect to your modem via Wi-Fi locate the fridge magnet that came in the box with your Smart Modem. This will have the log in details you need.

    To connect to your modem via Ethernet cable, grab the LAN cable (that’s the one with two yellow ends), plug one end into any yellow port on the Telstra Smart Modem, and the other into your devices network port.

    If you want to plug your home phone in also, repeat the Ethernet cable steps above, but this time use the cable with grey ends and plug it into the green phone port. 

    And remember your modem will need to be switched on to make and receive calls.

    And we’re done. It’s as easy as that! But if you do have any other questions, or just want some advice about getting the most out of your internet service, head to and check out our online Help Centre.

    Parts you need

    Diagram showing parts you need to connect the Telstra Smart Modem 3 and nbn connection box.

    Note: Modem colour may vary depending on which modem model you have.

    You should have the following parts in your Telstra Smart Modem box:

    • Telstra Smart Modem 3
    • Power adaptor (pre-connected to modem)
    • Wi-Fi fridge magnet
    • Cable with red and yellow ends (WAN) (may be located in Telstra Smart Modem box) 
    Set-up instructions for nbn FTTP, FW, and Opticomm FTTP

    Instructional diagram showing how to connect the Telstra Smart Modem 3 and nbn connection box. Described under the heading Descriptive text for set-up instructions image- FTTP, FW.

    1. Connect the nbn connection box to your Telstra Smart Modem
    2. Plug your Telstra Smart Modem 3 into a power outlet. Once connected, the light will show solid green on the front of the modem
    3. Prefer a wired connection? Have a computer or a wired home network? Connect using your own Ethernet cable
    4. Have a phone? Connect via your existing phone cable.

    Step 1 - Connect the nbn connection box or Opticomm Optical Network Terminal to your Telstra Smart Modem
    1. Locate the yellow UNI-D1 port on your connection box
    2. Use the cord with the red and yellow plugs
    3. Insert the yellow end into the yellow UNI-DD1 port on the connection box and ensure the box is switched on
    4. Insert the red plug into the red WAN port on the back of the Telstra Smart Modem located fifth from the top left.
    Step 2 - Plug your Telstra Smart Modem into the power outlet

    The Telstra Smart Modem will now start up. On first use, it may take up to 15 minutes to automatically update its software.

    Telstra smart Modem 3 is shown next to 4 different colours representing the front light indicators and their meanings as described below.

    The modem front light changes colour to indicate:

    • White - when it starts up/powered up 
    • Orange - when it's in the process of connecting to the internet 
    • Blue â€“ when your modem is connected to the 4G mobile backup network 
    • Green â€“ when your modem is connected to the internet and ready to go.

    You can also check the status of your Telstra Smart Modem by entering in your browser and signing in. The username is admin and the default password is Telstra for Telstra Smart Modem 1.1 and Gen 2. For Telstra Smart Modem Gen 3, the password is the same as the Wi-Fi password found on the bottom of your modem.

    Step 3 - Connect your devices to the internet

    Connecting via Wi-Fi

    You won’t need to use the LAN cable with the yellow ends that came with your modem if you’re connecting your devices via Wi-Fi. 

    1. On your device, search for the Wi-Fi network name 
    2. Select and enter the password shown on the Wi-Fi fridge magnet that came in the box or look for the Wi-Fi password on the bottom of your modem.

    Good to know: When you get a new Telstra Smart Modem, if you change the Wi-Fi name and password to be exactly the same as your previous Wi-Fi network, all devices will automatically connect to the new network.

    To change your Wi-Fi details:

    1. Ensure you’re connected to your home network, open a browser window and enter
    2. Sign in with username admin and the Wi-Fi password found on the bottom of your new modem (or on the fridge magnet)
    3. Select Wi-Fi, then Save once you have made your changes.

    Connecting via Ethernet cable

    1. Use the LAN cable (3) with the two yellow ends as shown in the set-up instructions image (not included, you’ll need to use your own ethernet cable)
    2. Insert one end into any of the four yellow gigabit Ethernet ports located on the left-hand-side of your Telstra Smart Modem
    3. Insert the other end into your device’s network port.
    Step 4 - Connect your home phone (if required)
    1. Use the phone cable with grey ends
    2. Connect the cable into the green phone port that’s located on the back of the modem on the right
    3. Connect the other end into your home phone.

    Remember, you must always have the modem switched on to make and receive calls.


    The modem front light indicates:

    • White - when it starts up or is powering up 
    • Orange - when it's in the process of connecting to the internet 
    • Blue – when your modem is connected to the 4G mobile backup network 
    • Green – when your modem is connected to the internet and ready to go.

    You can also check the status of your Telstra Smart Modem by entering in your browser and signing in. The username is admin and the default password is Telstra for Telstra Smart Modem 1.1 and Gen 2. For Telstra Smart Modem Gen 3, the password is on the fridge magnet or is the same as the Wi-Fi password found on the bottom of your modem.

    A mobile signal strength indicator is shown next to 3 different colours representing the front light indicators and their meanings as described below.

    The mobile signal strength indicator lights on the back of the modem:

    • Green – indicates great signal strength
    • Orange – indicates good signal strength
    • Red – indicates weak or limited access

    Or to check the status of your Telstra Smart Modem enter in your browser and sign in with your username and password or use the default username admin and password is Telstra for the Telstra Smart Modem 1.1 and Gen 2.0. For Telstra Smart Modem Gen 3, the password is on the fridge magnet or is the same as the Wi-Fi password on the bottom of the modem.

    Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) nbn connection box

    A Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) nbn connection box is shown with the location of the four light indicators as described below.

    Check the nbn connection box indicator lights are illuminated. The FTTP nbn connection box has lights arranged from the left as listed below.

    • Power (far left): Your nbn connection box has power or is operating on backup battery power from the Power Supply unit
    • Optical Indicator (second from the left): Your nbn connection box has lost connection with the fibre network.
    • Alarm (third from the left): Your nbn connection box has a fault and is not working normally.
    • Update (far right): Your nbn connection box has failed to download software.

    If the lights on the nbn connection box or the Optional Power Supply with Battery Backup are red, switch off the power to the nbn connection box, wait a few seconds, then switch back on.

    If the lights still show red or you are not connecting to the internet, please contact us for assistance.

    Fixed Wireless (FW) nbn connection box

    A Fixed Wireless (FW) nbn connection box is shown with the location of the four light indicators as described below.

    The FW nbn connection box has lights arranged from the left as listed below:

    • Power Indicator (far left): 
      • Green: Power On
      • White: No Power.
    • Status Indicator (second from the left): 
      • Green flashing: Normal operation
      • Green: Device is in test mode
      • Amber Flashing: Device is starting up
      • Solid Red: There is a system fault.
    • Outdoor Unit Indicator (third from the left): 
      • Green: Online
      • Green Flashing: Activity
      • Red: Offline
      • Red Flashing: There is an error
    • Signal Indicator (second from the right): 
      • Red: Low signal strength
      • Amber: Medium signal strength
      • Green: High signal strength.

    Check the nbn connection box indicator lights are illuminated.

    If the Status Indicator or Outdoor Unit Indicator light on your nbn connection box is red or you can’t connect to the internet, please contact us for assistance.

    We will advise you when you place your order which UNI-D port will be activated on your nbn connection box. 

    Allow about 60 seconds to see if the new port is active. 

    If you're unsure of the correct port or are still not connecting to the internet, please contact us

    You can buy Ethernet cables from our accessories store or find a store near you.

    Check that the cables are firmly connected.

    Switch off both devices and then turn back on in the following order:

    1. Switch on the nbn connection box, when the lights turn solid green, then
    2. Switch on the Telstra Smart Modem.

    Choose the most convenient location for your modem. Consider which spot provides the best Wi-Fi coverage around your home.

    Once set up, optimise your Wi-Fi performance by checking the strength of your Wi-Fi network signal in My Telstra.

    1. Sign into My Telstra with your Telstra ID

    2. Go to Get help

    3. Select Internet and choose Test my connection or get help option.

    Your Wi-Fi may feel slow if your modem is not in an optimal location. 

    Make sure your modem is in an elevated position away from fridges, fish tanks, baby monitors or microwaves that can interfere with your Wi-Fi.

    If it still feels slow, switch off your modem or device and turn it back on (leave it off for 5-10 seconds). Wait a few minutes. A simple reboot can noticeably increase your Wi-Fi speed. 

    Repositioning your Telstra Smart Modem may help to improve the Wi-Fi signal.

    Place your modem well above the floor, away from thick walls and solid objects and, if possible, move it to a central point in your home

    You can check the strength of your Wi-Fi network signal in My Telstra:

    1. Sign into My Telstra with your Telstra ID
    2. Go to Get help
    3. Select Internet and choose Test my connection or get help option

    Dropouts may occur if your modem is placed where the 4G signal is weak. Make sure you find the strongest signal in your home by locating the modem near a window and off the ground.

    Indoor coverage is highly variable and there may be locations where indoor coverage is indicated, but your device may not perform as expected due to local building density, physical structures and building materials.

    For example, the following things may reduce or block indoor coverage: basements, lifts, underground car parks, concrete buildings, tunnels and road cuttings, steel framing and metallic window film.

    If you experience multiple dropouts, please contact us for help.

    Whilst there is some impact to signal strength caused by extreme weather conditions, this is minor.

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