Unless already switched off, International Roaming and Day Pass will be automatically enabled on all mobile plans. You can disable International Roaming in the My Telstra app (charges may apply outside of Australia). Otherwise you can activate International Day Pass on your phone within the My Telstra app.
Once enabled on your mobile service, an International Day Pass will activate the moment you use your phone outside of Australia. You’ll have access to the day pass until it restarts at midnight 12am Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
You only pay for the days you use your phone overseas. So once you’re back in Australia, you can leave your International Day Pass switched on and you won’t be charged.
We’ll send you SMS alerts so you can keep track of your spending. We’ll let you know when you’ve used 50%, 85% and 100% of your included allowance. We’ll also send you SMS alerts for every $100 of pay-as-you-go roaming outside of your included allowance.
SMS alerts are free of charge.
Each day you activate an International Day Pass, you’ll have access to:
The following is not included in an International Day Pass and will be charged at standard pay-as-you-go rates:
A day pass resets at midnight 12am Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
After you use your 2GB of daily data, you’ll receive an automatic top-up of 2GB that lasts 31 days for $10. This 2GB of data will sit in reserve for days you go over your daily data allowance until you’ve used it all.
You can activate an International Day Pass on your phone with My Telstra app.
Make sure roaming is switched on in your mobile phone settings for your International Day Pass to work.
Once the International Day Pass is active on your service, you can leave it switched on while you’re in Australia. You won’t be charged until the next time you use your phone outside of Australia.
Important: Customers on Upfront Mobile plans can only use the My Telstra app to manage their International Day Pass.
When you arrive overseas, we’ll send you a free SMS to let you know if your destination is eligible and whether your International Day Pass is working.
If your destination isn’t eligible for an International Day Pass, you’ll be charged pay-as-you-go roaming rates. This means you’ll be charged for every call, SMS and MB of data used. These rates differ from country to country. So we’ll send you an SMS with pricing information for that destination.
Important: Pay-as-you-go international roaming is not available on Upfront Mobile plans.
To avoid any unwanted international roaming costs we recommend you do the following
See here for more information about forwarding calls to your mobile.
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