Relocating network assets

You should never try to move or alter our network infrastructure without authorisation. By law, only authorised people can work on our assets or enter a facility owned or operated by us. Any interference, including unauthorised entry or tampering, may result in legal action.

If your project requires the relocation of a Telstra asset, or for commercial works to be completed these works are quotable and chargeable to the party requesting these works. Please contact the Telstra Network Integrity Group, as they manage these processes for us. More information about these requirements are detailed below.

We aim to maintain, protect and safely relocate our telecommunications network, Australia's largest. It’s important we reduce the amount damage that occurs to this network, both to reduce the cost to the public and in the interest of health and safety.

In the past four years, there's been an average of 20,000 incidents nationally, at an average of nearly 55 per day.

With your help, we can reduce this number and avoid the risk of:

  • injury or death to workers and members of the community
  • costly damage to expensive assets
  • unnecessary repair costs
  • disruption to our services and inconvenience to the public.
  • To request relocation of a Telstra asset or commercial works to be completed, fill in the Relocation Request form, email us or call us on 1800 810 443 from 9:00am to 6:00pm AEST Monday to Friday.

    Request relocation

    Within 24 business hours, you'll receive an email response. This will provide you with a unique Project Reference number and additional details about the next steps involved.

Asset Relocation includes the removal, reconstruction, relocation and any other work we think is necessary for the purposes of protecting Telstra plant and equipment from damage both on public and private property.

This might include:

  • alterations, cable protection and the relocation of any Telstra network equipment
  • lead-ins for refurbished or partially demolished buildings. Where the facade is retained for example
  • recovery of a lead-in because of the demolition of premises
  • requests from customers for the relocation of Main Distribution Frame. (MDF) and Telstra lead-in cable, where it's associated with building alterations or the addition of works
  • relocation of lead-in due to refurbishment of a building.

Commercial works include:

  • non-telemetric phone services – data monitoring, such as traffic camera, security camera, lifts and weather reporting
  • temporary services – such as lines to a site shed for a construction site. Fibre lead-ins are available in Telstra Fibre-only areas
  • These services don't fall under the universal service obligation. As a result, Telstra Network Integrity will provide a quote to whoever's requesting this service
  • lead-in alteration or 2nd Lead-in request – if a 2nd lead-in is required for a shed or a 2nd dwelling on the property, a quote will be provided by Telstra Network Integrity for acceptance before work can take place
  • Under the universal service obligation, we'll provide 1 lead-in to a property and be responsible for its maintenance
  • an alteration to a lead-in, or an aerial cable to underground.

Once your request has been received by Network Integrity it will be assigned to a Field Operative.

Normally, they'll contact you normally within 5 – 7 business days. At that time, they'll discuss any requirements and request information; this may involve a site meeting to discuss the plan and the best proposed solution.

We'll then send your request to an industry specialist who'll provide quotes for the work identified. You should allow 10 working days for this to happen.

Once we've got them, we'll pick the best quote available that will work best with your development, and our network and then allow you an opportunity to review for approval. The acceptance page from the quote must be signed and returned before any works can commence.

Depending on the work required, there might be a delay in the starting date if materials need to be ordered or land access requests need to be lodged. The industry specialist might also need to wait on your developer or contractor to complete some works, but usually they're able to work with your schedule.

When the industry specialist has finished the job, they'll submit the completion advice to us. Then, we'll finalise the order and send the invoice to the address specified on the acceptance page of the quotation.

It's common to find Telstra cables running through private property and road reserves because it's the most cost effective and environmentally friendly way to install and maintain our communications network.

As a telecommunications provider, we have legal rights under the 1997 Telecommunications Act to obtain tenure and occupy the land that the Network is located in. We've got an obligation to keep employees and customers safe, so, if a property developer, builder, government body or land owner wants to modify an area of land from its original use at the time the network was installed, and it's deemed to be in conflict or has the possibility of exposing people to safety hazards, then it's a requirement for that property developer, builder, government body or land owner to pay for all costs associated with the safe relocation of the communications network. 

All companies and stakeholders, including local and state governments, have a duty of care when undertaking construction work. This might be on private or public land where there's an expectation that utility services might exist. Our Network Integrity Group can provide advice and assistance with your proposal.

Visit for more information on this legislation.

Under no circumstances should anyone try to move or alter Telstra's network infrastructure without authorisation. Under the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth), only persons authorised by us can undertake work on Telstra's assets or enter a facility owned or operated by Telstra. Interfering (including unauthorised entry or tampering) with the infrastructure is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). If we know of, or find unauthorised personnel in our network, under the Telecommunications Act we reserve the right to take legal action.


It's common to have our cables running through private property, because it helps us provide the most cost-effective and environmentally-friendly infrastructure possible. 

Along with a legal obligation to provide a basic level of telecommunications to all Australians, the safety of the broader community is our priority and our legal obligation.

If our network is found to be unsafe, or has the potential to be dangerous, we must have our assets moved or protected at the expense of the property developer or owner, as outlined in the Telecommunications Act of 1997.

All companies have a Duty of Care when undertaking construction work, and this might be on public or private property where there's an expectation that utility services exist.

For further information and to obtain a copy of this legislation, visit

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Network Integrity

Asset Relocation

Commercial Works

Copper and Protection Management

Power Co-ordination and Corrosion 

Cable Awareness presentations

1800 810 443

Plan Services and Easements

Reading Telstra Plans or Cable Locations

Easement enquiries and requests

Road Closures Request

Telstra Subsidised Location TSL (subject to eligibility)

1800 653 935
  • For enquiries about

    Network Integrity

    Asset Relocation

    Commercial Works

    Copper and Protection Management

    Power Co-ordination and Corrosion 

    Cable Awareness presentations

  • Contact1800 810 443
  • For enquiries about

    Plan Services and Easements

    Reading Telstra Plans or Cable Locations

    Easement enquiries and requests

    Road Closures Request

    Telstra Subsidised Location TSL (subject to eligibility)

  • Contact1800 653 935

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