Free calls to crisis lines

Access essential support in Australia from your mobile and all Telstra payphones.
Some charges may apply for calls from your home phone, check the Critical information Summary for your plan inclusions.


It’s free to call select crisis lines from Pre-Paid mobiles even without an active recharge. All you need is an active SIM. For all other mobiles, these calls are included in your plan at no extra charge.

Crisis lines and support services

Explore essential support available by category.

000 is the 24/7 call service Australians use when they need the help of an Emergency Service Organisation – Police, Fire or Ambulance. If you or someone close to you is in immediate danger, please call 000.

Police Assistance line

For non-emergency situations. You can report non-urgent crimes and events 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call: 13 14 44

State emergency service (SES)

For flood, storm, tsunami and earthquake emergencies anywhere in Australia.

Call: 13 25 00

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