How do I uninstall Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration?

For all administrative related issues, such as cancelling a Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration license, please contact your nearest Business Technology Centre. Enquiries can be made Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

To uninstall Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration:

  1. Log in to Check Point Infinity Portal, opens in a new window.
  2. Access the Harmony Email & Collaboration dashboard.
  3. Go to Config, located in the left vertical navigation.
  4. Under Active SaaS Applications, locate your active email and productivity application and click Stop. When the warning window pop-up appears, click Stop again. Repeat for all other active SaaS applications.

To delete Office 365 integration with Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration:

  1. Log in to Azure Active Directory admin centre.
  2. Click Azure Active Directory.
  3. Click Enterprise applications.
  4. Locate Check Point Cloud Security Platform – Emails V2. Click Properties, followed by Delete.
  5. When the warning window appears, select Yes.

To delete Gmail integration with Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration:

  1. Log in to Google Workspace admin centre.
  2. Locate and click Apps list and select Check Point Cloud Security.
  3. Click Uninstall app.

Where do I go for more support with Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration?

Connect with business technology experts

We can tailor your security solutions to help safeguard your business. Contact a Business Technology Centre to find out more.

Contact us

For further support call 1800 878 483, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (AEST).