Safe and secure communications for anyone experiencing domestic and family violence

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We understand that all of our customers are individuals who need help in different ways, at different times. We believe in providing a level of extra care and sensitivity in the way we serve and support customers experiencing vulnerability, including domestic and family violence (D&FV).
Domestic and family violence (D&FV) can be physical, financial, emotional or psychological. Victim-survivors of domestic and family violence can feel trapped inside their own home. And in today’s connected world, many abusers are misusing technology to make it even harder for people to escape or get help.
If you or someone you know is facing domestic or family violence (D&FV), we're here to support, providing access to necessary resources and access to safe, secure communications.
Remember: Whatever the abuse, it’s not your fault. It’s the abuser who is responsible.
Telstra SAFE team
For Telstra customers, our dedicated SAFE team is specially trained to help victim-survivors stay safely connected to their Telstra services and can be reached between 8am – 6pm weekdays on 1800 452 566.
The SAFE team can help you:
- Review and update contact information and who has access to your account
- Take ownership of your service
- Remove services you no longer need
- Move services to a new location, and
- Set up a new account for a fresh start
If you need help, but can’t call right now, request the SAFE team to call you at a time that suits you.
Replacement devices to escape coercive control and DFV situations
Since 2014, we’ve been close partners with WESNET, the peak body for specialist women’s domestic and family violence services.
We’ve donated over 40,000 smartphones with pre-paid credit to WESNET to give to victim-survivors impacted by D&FV, as well as providing our dedicated SAFE team to help victim-survivors safely activate the service.
WESNET provides the phones through its network of specially trained frontline agencies across the country through our joint Safe Connections program. Contact a local frontline agency in your area to see if they are part of the Safe Connections program.
Free payphones and Telstra Air Wi-Fi
If you're experiencing DFV, you need safe and secure communications right away. It's one of the reasons we decided to make all of our payphones free to use in 2022.>
If you need to find a free payphone near you, use our payphone finder on
Some of our payphones also have free Telstra Air Wi-Fi and even USB charging for your devices. This means you can log on near one of our Wi-Fi-enabled payphones, power your device and get access to the support you need.
Payphones are also a safe way to access support immediately, as DFV perpetrators cannot track your usage like they might on your smartphone, for example.
Financial assistance
Everyone should have the opportunity to stay connected without compromise, and we want to do more to help make it easier.
If you’re a customer doing it tough, we have a range of flexible long and short-term support you can access directly from us.
Some of these options include:
- Flexible payment arrangements and extensions (Payment Assistance Policy, PDF, 83KB);
- A review of your plan or pre-paid service to check you’re on the best value service for your needs;
- Support in moving to a different plan or pre-paid service;
- Concession Card discount on eligible services;
- Potential waiving of fees on a case-by-case basis, and/or,
- Longer term support based on your personal financial circumstances.
We have also expanded our Top-Up Program to give more data and pre-paid credit to those who need it.
Registered charities and support organisations can offer Telstra Top ups to those who find themselves in vulnerable circumstances, at risk of harm without assistance, or already receiving support. If you are not currently connected with a charity or support organisation, you can use the community services search tool called Ask Izzy to find support options that best match your needs.
More assistance for victim survivors
There are more assistance channels available to help you. If you need assistance, tapping any of the below on your smartphone will connect you.
- 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732): The National Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Counselling Service offers confidential online and telephone counselling, information and referral services.
- Ask Izzy: Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more. It is free and anonymous, and if you're on the Telstra mobile network, you can access Ask Izzy on your phone even if you don't have credit or access to Wi-Fi.
- Financial Counsellor assistance: Those experiencing financial and economic abuse can contact the National Debt Hotline on 1800 007 007 (9:30am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday) and speak to someone for free.