‘How to’ videos

Introduction to TIPT "How to" videos
Meet Chris and Toby, your presenters for the TIPT "How to" video series
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Introduction to TIPT ‘How to’ videos]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Toby Travanner]
TOBY: Welcome to the TIPT product user videos. I'm Toby Travanner and I'm here with
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Chris Spence]
CHRIS: Chris Spence.
TOBY: You know, we're here in the Customer Insights Centre at 242 Exhibition St, you know, Telstra's head office in Melbourne, basically. And it's nice to me in front of, I, I suppose the history of what it was you see in those days. It was just collaboration of one sort with these old telephones. You're around then, mate. What were they like?
CHRIS: Well, you certainly know how to make a guy feel old.
TOBY: Well, look, I'm actually really pleased to be here with Chris and doing these videos because you come with a lot of experience on the technical side of this. I know you started off in IT in the mid 80s and then moved into carrier networking and packetized telephony in 1998. I didn't even think they had packetized telephony back then.
CHRIS: Yeah, it's been around a couple of decades. These days, most people think IP telephony, but it's been around in some different forms for quite a lot, quite a long time.
TOBY: Well, there you go. If you break down, TIPT, there's an IP telephony bit in there as well in the old days, right?
CHRIS: But I haven't been around as long as you have.
TOBY: OK. It's about a year, alright, a year's difference. That was it.
CHRIS: Yeah, it all counts. Yeah.
TOBY: Look, I started in technology in 1985 and that makes me, yes, very old. But I've been an industry observer across ICT since that time. So it's, it's actually really interesting to be involved in this because I know that TIPT is powered by Cisco Broadworks and there we're seeing as an example, platforms and telcos working together.
CHRIS: That's right. So Broadworks, we think of that I guess primarily as the call control system behind TIPT. It is used by a number of carriers. So we know that it's been well accepted within the industry and it's it's very scalable and powerful. But the other thing about it is that it's not just about the Broadworks system itself. There's a whole ecosystem around TIPT, Yep, there's other systems, there's portals, there's equipment that you would have in your offices or in your Home Office even. So that you're able to construct an environment that I guess is it suits the business need that you will have in your particular organization's case.
TOBY: Right. And what these videos are about is to really show you how simple and easy it is to manage these platforms, portals, the hardware setup and so on. And to give you some of the ticks, tips and tricks and the bits that we've made mistakes on as well. So that you don't have to do this. Because we've treated ourselves as new users in this environment as well. And so we've gone through some of the head scratching moments that are actually pretty easy to manage.
CHRIS: Well, they certainly have proved that way so far. We've had I guess a good experience going through the process of being set up as though we were a new user. We got the same emails that other people in say in your situation going to receive. We've been through the process of doing some activations and some provisioning. We've unboxed equipment, we've plugged it into switches, we've had to make our own network environment support the TIPT application and system. So, we've experienced a lot of the things that you will as you go through your TIPT journey. And so, we like to think that we'll be able to give you a whole bunch of useful ideas and tips along the way.
TOBY: Well, we've had a lot of fun doing this and I hope you enjoy setting up your TIPT environment as much as we have.
Adminstrator help
TIPT terminology
This video provides brief descriptions of the key terms you'll come across in the TIPT environment.
[TEXT ON SCRREEN: TIPT terminology]
TOBY: You know, Chris, whenever you're implementing anything, it's a good idea to have an understanding of what all the terminology is.
CHRIS: Absolutely, it avoids misunderstanding.
TOBY: Well, and and can I just say some of the terminologies are acronyms and I love it when there is an acronym embedded in an acronym and we'll get to that one. When you see a lot of terms, I suppose it's a good idea to be able to break them down into three major areas.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Administrative | Commercial | Technology]
TOBY: And I suppose you could call them administrative tools to start off with commercial terms and technology terms now that you're never going to see that within the TIPT environment. So it's more about us just kind of get getting our heads around it as such. So why don't we start with the kind of the administrative or almost business function terminology? We hear the term enterprise used a lot.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Administrative]
TOBY: Now to me, an enterprise is either a starship showing my nerdiness or it's a very, very large organisation. But what does it mean in TIPT terms?
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Administrative | Enterprise]
CHRIS: OK, so inside the product, an enterprise is, if you like, the largest administrative entity that owns resources.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: So every customer who acquires TIPT as a service will be at their largest level and enterprise.
TOBY: OK. So even if you're 20 people in an organisation that's still an enterprise, you don't need to be 2000.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: It's different terminology. Within an enterprise, there are sites. So what are they?
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Administrative | Enterprise | Sites/Groups]
TOBY: OK, or groups even.
CHRIS: Yeah. So importantly, we need to understand that within the actual underlying technology, the software on which TIPT is built, they call the next level down a "group"; TIPT calls it a "site", means the same thing as far as we're concerned. But if you like, that is one locality and it consists of all of the resources within that one locality.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: So it's numbers, its users, resources are like handsets and those sorts of things are all assigned to a site.
TOBY: So the enterprise could be an organisation with offices in three or four locations, and a site is one of those locations.
CHRIS: That's right. So they would have four sites if they were all using TIPT. Or if you want to think of it this way, four groups. But site is the name you'll hear us talk about most often.
TOBY: Let's go down another level of granularity then to an individual, they're called the user.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Administrative | Enterprise | Sites/Groups | User]
CHRIS: Yes, although a user isn't necessarily a human in this case. A user is an entity that has a phone number. It has some sort of a client of TIPT, so it could be a handset or it could be a soft client or it could be an app or whatever the case is. So it's a collection of resources, if you like, allocated to one individual entity that can receive or make phone calls and so on.
TOBY: All right, let's get into some acronyms. First one CEA, what's that?
CHRIS: OK, customer, enterprise administrator.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Administrative | Enterprise | Sites/Groups | User | CEA]
CHRIS: So what the CEA is, is an authorised administrator who can administer the enterprise down –
TOBY: Person.
CHRIS: In this case, yes.
CHRIS: Customer Group administrator. And this is why it's important to understand that synonym between site and group is because within the technology it's called a customer group administrator. And a CGA can administer one site.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Administrative | Enterprise | Sites/Groups | User | CEA | CGA]
TOBY: OK, so a CEA is probably looking after the entire TIPT environment.
CHRIS: Correct.
TOBY: And a CGA is doing stuff within, I don't know, one of the suburbs in which an office.
CHRIS: Or within that office. And here's the thing to see, a CEA can do everything the CGA can do, but not vice versa of course.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Administrative | Commercial | Technology
TOBY: Alright, let's look at some of the commercial terms. And the big one here is what a service pack is.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Commercial | Service pack]
CHRIS: Yeah.
TOBY: And there's a bunch of stuff underneath that, right?
CHRIS: Well, what we have is a whole bunch of synonyms for service pack, and we're not, say, synonym synonyms. What I mean is, within the documentation you'll see these things referred to under slightly different names.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Commercial | Service pack | Licence pack | Feature pack]
CHRIS: So a service pack, also known as a user pack or a licence pack or a feature pack, is fundamentally the collection of capabilities that an individual user or capabilities and services that an individual user can use. So in this particular case, if you have a user that is connected to say an executive level handset, you might give them an executive service pack to go with that. And that includes the licence in order to use TIPT. It includes a whole bunch of features that that handset can use as well as the user being able to do things that are perhaps slightly more powerful and functional.
TOBY: So Chris, I've also seen within service packs there are, there's kind of another set of terminology, regular and supplementary.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Commercial | Service pack | Licence pack | Feature pack | Regular | Supplementary]
TOBY: So what does that mean?
CHRIS: So every user will have at least one regular service pack. Generally what happens is that you can then combine that with supplementary packs which give you additional functionality.
[TEXT ON SCREEN Administrative | Commercial | Technology]
TOBY: Let's now look at technology we're getting into. I can see that the sense of a sense of excitement coming up with you now.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Technology]
TOBY: Alright, so let's start with TIPT, right, that's a starting point.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Technology | TIPT over X]
TOBY: And one of the first things that I you come up with is TIPT over whatever and I suppose the traditional one is TIPT over next IP or MPLS network that's protocol label switching. If you really wanted to know that.
CHRIS: Well, this has become more important as TIPT over the Internet has been added to the suite of capabilities. So the importance about understanding the access method, whether it's over next IP or the MPLS, which is sometimes how it's also represented or over the Internet, is that the addresses, some of the configuration settings and other things plus the actual path to TIPT will all vary according to whether you're using next IP or Internet to carry your traffic.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: So, what you'll find is that when you order an individual user, and we're going to see this in an upcoming video, when you order an Internet, an individual user, it becomes important to nominate in advance which way they kind of come in.
TOBY: Why is that, Chris?
CHRIS: Because within the TIPT cloud environment, the actual configuration will vary according to which of those the administrator nominates when the users ordered.
TOBY: Right. OK. So TIPT over next IP or TIPT over the Internet. Sometimes you might see that as TOTI.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Technology | TIPT over X | TOTI]
TOBY: Yeah, keep it on the Internet or whatever. That's an acronym embedded within an acronym. So, Chris, let's get into some terminology that's a bit more kind of related to us.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Technology | TIPT over X | TOTI | Handset]
TOBY: The first ones handset, I don't know about you, but handset just sounds like telephone to me.
CHRIS: And fundamentally it is, I guess we're being a little bit, a little bit more sophisticated than simply saying it's a telephone because we're implying if you're like that it's a SIP capable telephone that can communicate over an Ethernet network or in some cases it might be through a decked connection or maybe Wi-Fi, right. But fundamentally the SIP client means it communicates natively with TIPT in the case of that other types of telephone, if we qualify it by saying analogue handset, it means that we're using some sort of adapter in the middle.
TOBY: Yeah, OK. Now the opposite of that I suppose if you can call them. So it is a soft client. That's right.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Technology | TIPT over X | TOTI | Handset | Soft Client]
CHRIS: Well, in this particular case, we're talking about something like a PC or these days you can get soft clients for other devices. You know, you can even have a soft client on a phone. Yeah, a mobile phone. So in these cases, the soft client is a full SIP capable client. But in this case, it's running as an application on a host device like a PC or a possibly a smartphone or a tablet.
TOBY: Is it an app or is an app treated as something different?
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Technology | TIPT over X | TOTI | Handset | Soft Client | Application]
CHRIS: Well, we're probably talking about apps in the context of devices like smartphones and tablets. The reason that I've separated app out is because in some cases there are apps that you will use in your TIPT journey that are not there to take and make phone calls per se, right? They're there to control things like presence and also how you are represented to the rest of the organisation such as you know as I mentioned presence but status more generally, but for controlling how calls are forwarded and things like that. So, I've sort of separated app out to just show that sometimes an app is not a client in the sense that you can't make and take phone calls.
TOBY: It’s used to do something else.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: Yeah. What about IAD?
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Technology | TIPT over X | TOTI | Handset | Soft Client | Application | IAD (Integrated Access Drive)]
CHRIS: OK, so integrated access device. Remember I talked about that analogue telephone example a little while back?
TOBY: Yeah.
CHRIS: Well, an ATA or analogue telephone adapter is one example of an IAD. It sits in the middle. It turns an analogue telephone into something that can talk to TIPT.
TOBY: Right. OK.
TOBY: Now, I know the last one that we're going to talk about today is a key expansion module.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Technology | TIPT over X | TOTI | Handset | Soft Client | Application | IAD (Integrated Access Drive) | KEM (Key Expansion Module)]
TOBY: And everybody keeps calling it KEM,
CHRIS: I was guilty of that as anyone.
TOBY: Anyway when I first came across it, I thought what chemicals do you need in this environment not knowing it was spelt, you know, spelt with a K Yeah, in essence. But key expansion module, that's pretty simple, isn't it? There's like add a whole pile of extra buttons to your handset.
CHRIS: Yeah. Sometimes called a sidecar, right. And so, yeah, that's fundamentally it. Now, the nice thing about them is as they have become more sophisticated, I mean in the end they are just a bunch of buttons on the side of the phone. Yeah. But you know, you can now have individual pages which can be accessed using other buttons on the same sidecar or same KEM. But you can change the display names and you can programme them so that the types of things each button does can be a little bit more than just a speed dial this guy. It could be I'm going to be able to park calls on that button,
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: Or it could be that I'm going to watch the status of other lines and services on the on a particular button. So all these things add to the capability and the sophistication and the, if you like the usability of the TIPT environment and particularly when you're using handsets like that.
TOBY: So I hope that's giving you a kind of a broad overview of the types of terms that you're going to see in your TIPT journey. If you come across any others that we haven't spoken about now, check the TIPT website or have a look at some of the user guides. You will find some further information in those.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Introduction to TIPT administration portals
In this video we introduce you to the different administration portals available for you to manage your TIPT environment.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Introduction to TIPT administration portals]
TOBY: There's a bunch of gear, a bunch of technology happening on the table. We're getting to the good stuff now, right?
CHRIS: We are.
TOBY: You know what, before you configure some of the other good stuff, it's a good idea to have a a good understanding, I suppose of the administrative portals that are available. Do you want to dive in?
CHRIS: Absolutely. Just before we dive in too far, let's just mention that the customer enterprise administrator, the CEA and the customer group administrator, the CGA, are probably going to use these tools a lot.
TOBY: Yeah. All right, very good. Well, let's have a look.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of UC Self-Service Portal sign in page]
CHRIS: OK. So the first tool we're going to look at is the UC Self-Service Portal. Now the CEA is the administrator who will use this. The CGA generally won't have access to it.
TOBY: OK, good.
CHRIS: And you use the UCSS to do the things that involve arguably costing money. That's probably the way I'd characterise it.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Order new users | Assign service packs | Order handsets | Order headsets]
CHRIS: You can order new users and assign them with service packs, you can order handsets, you can order headsets. So, it's about, if you like, providing the resources that the TIPT enterprise needs in order to then be able to set it up so that users can actually take and make phone calls.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS; Use their soft clients and do all the other things that make TIPT such a rich environment.
TOBY: OK. So the CEA will have authorisation to do that.
CHRIS: When TIPT provisioning actually first sets TIPT up for a company or for a customer, then the customer enterprise administrator will receive authorisation, they'll have a login, they'll they'll be able to hit the website and be able to, if you like, do all of the things that I just talked about.
TOBY: OK, good. So should we dive right in now?
CHRIS: Well, before we do, there's something else I need to show you.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of TIPT Administration Portal sign in page]
CHRIS: The next one we want to have a look at is the TIPT Administration Portal. Now just a tip for people who are familiar with TIPT or have been around for a while, you may have heard this in the past referred to as Compilot, right?
TOBY: Right OK.
CHRIS; And that's really just a reference to the underlying software that's used in order to provide these services. Now the TIPT Administration Portal could be used by the CEA, could be used by the CGA. It depends on what type of task is being used and whether or not it's the sort of thing that the CEA might be doing down to CGA equivalent level as well. So what you'll find is, depending on how big your enterprise is, if you've got quite a number of sites and some of those sites are big, then the CGA for a given site might do a lot of the provisioning work that goes on there.
CHRIS: After users have been ordered, after handsets have arrived and all the other things, all the configuration activity, that might be something the CGA does. So the CEA has a little bit less on their plate.
TOBY: Should we dive right in now?
CHRIS: Well, we're going to dive in a lot more in upcoming videos, so maybe we'll just park it for now.
TOBY: Alright, there you go.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Adding TIPT users with the UC Self-Service (UCSS) portal
In this video, you'll see how to add TIPT users to a site. Perfect for Customer Enterprise Administrators (CEAs) to learn the steps to do it right the first time.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Adding TIPT users with the UC Self-Service (UCSS) portal]
TOBY: Are we finally diving in?
CHRIS: We are.
TOBY: Ha ha. Brilliant!
CHRIS: Into a portal.
TOBY: Into a portal, yeah.
CHRIS: What we need to do is to log into the portal, the UCSS portal, as a customer Enterprise Administrator.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of the main menu of the Telstra UC Self-Service Portal]
CHRIS: And you can see from the page that we're showing you at the moment that we have what is effectively the main menu or the splash page if you like, for the UC Self Service portal.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of the main menu of the Telstra UC Self-Service Portal, with an arrow pointing to the user’s username]
CHRIS: It tells me who I am. Yeah, as well as gives me a heap of options using the tiles down below.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of the main menu of the Telstra UC Self-Service Portal, with an arrow pointing to the ‘Add TIPT Users to Site’ tile]
CHRIS: One we're using is the top left and that's going to add TIPT users to site. When you add TIPT users, there's a couple of preliminary things you need to do. Firstly, we need to do a site search in order to identify the exact site that we're going to provision these users to.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of ‘Add TIPT Users’ webpage]
CHRIS: First thing we need to do here is add our customer contact details. Now that would be the customer themselves. If it's the CEA that's ordering it, right?
TOBY: But when you say the customer, what do you mean the enterprise, the person, the CEA, or the user.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of ‘Add TIPT Users’ webpage]
CHRIS: Well in this particular case would be a technical contact because it's asking for a name and a telephone number and an email address. So, this will be the person who is a gonna be contacted; A - if there's an issue and B - going to receive the email. If it's a partner ordering on behalf of a customer then the partner may put their details there as well.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of ‘Add TIPT Users’ webpage with cursor hovering over ‘I am a Telstra partner placing an order on behalf of this customer’ box]
CHRIS: But that's where they tick the "I am a Telstra partner" ordering on behalf of the customer box there down there as well.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of ‘Add TIPT Users’ webpage with cursor hovering over ‘Non-standard billing required’ box]
CHRIS: So, the other thing is you can see there's a non-standard billing required box. Now if you tick that then you would need to provide the details of what the non-standard billing looks like.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris’ customer contact details being inputted into the ‘Add TIPT Users’ webpage]
CHRIS: OK, all right, so let's get this filled in. Let's put this in. So I'll use my own name since I can do that and I'll give you a phone number. Now you can add other emails if there's other people to get these emails now. Alright, you might do that. For example, if you want the user, you're creating, to get an email to give them the details about what their user ID, password and other things are for their devices or for their soft clients or whatever. So, you can often add those and that way you don't have to act as an intermediary.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris showing how to add New TIPT Users on the webpage]
CHRIS: Alright, once we've added that information, we can click next and you can see here we get a panel which confirms the site, we are at. And now we get to add the new users, right. So, this is where the individual's name goes in. So it's not the CEA's name, it's the name of the using individual, the user identifier. Yeah, now usually a name. Of course, it could be something to do with a task. For example, if you're providing a user whose job is going to be a Lift phone, then you might not have an individual person's name. You might say phone, one phone or Lift 1 phone or something like that. So, it depends on what it's there for.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris showing how to add New TIPT Users on the webpage]
CHRIS: OK. So we'll add the name. And why don't we give you a service, Toby?
TOBY: Yeah, thanks mate.
CHRIS: Now this is where we have to provide information about the phone number. So what happens is take this show range. What we get the opportunity to do now is to display the individual phone number ranges that are available at the site. We can click on the range we want and then drop down and pick the number that we need. Now, the next thing we need to do is to select the user pack. We'll go with something basic like a standard pack because, well, we know you're not an executive.
TOBY: Yeah. Thanks very much. Thank you. OK.
CHRIS: And then you can see we mentioned supplementary packs in one of our introductory videos. You can add these supplementary packs to enhance the experience of this particular user.
TOBY: Great.
CHRIS: Now we don't, we don't need any of those, so we'll just leave it out. You can see you can add a second supplementary pack if you like. And lastly, and this is a very important part of this whole process, is identifying the handset, if any. Now, this particular dropdown does a few important things. Firstly, it'll identify anything that you could order that's out of stock. You'll notice that it's greyed out.
The second thing is you'll notice that it includes ordering new equipment, renting new equipment or using existing equipment. And the reason that we show existing equipment is because one of the things that the UCSS will trigger one when you have completed your ordering process and submitted the order is it will cause TIPT to build profiles for the individual users based on the handsets that they're expecting to use, or you have indicated that they will use.
Now the reason that's important is because handset profiles include all sorts of settings that make your handset yours. Once you submit this, let's suppose that you are going to use an existing phone.
Once you have completed this, submitted the order, and then received the email to say that it's been completed, in theory, you can plug that phone in and make a call. I'm gonna be generous here, and I'm gonna give you the 8865 MPP.
TOBY: And it's a new one.
CHRIS: Actually, no, we're gonna use an existing one, OK?
TOBY: No worries.
CHRIS: We'll use the existing one. OK. All right. Now remember, we've made the point earlier that you need to remember or be aware of as an administrator, how are they going to reach TIPT? Are they going to come in via the next IP VPN or if they have one or over the Internet? This is where one of the places where it matters. So, we're going to have to identify what we're using here, our example test environment here, the lab that we're using, we connect via the Internet. So, we'll click on that radio button and then we'll hit next.
TOBY: Great.
CHRIS: Now the last thing we need to do is provide further information for shipping if we were to order something new. So, we can have one last look at this. You can see there it's coming in. Remember we mentioned TOTI and MPLS is an alternative. OK, there they are. And so, we can submit those details now and let's see what happens. Success. Yeah, well done. Alright, so you can see there that we've got a confirmation ID and we're also going to receive an email, right?
TOBY: Good.
CHRIS: Alright, so we'll close that off and it'll drop us back at the add, TIPT users page again and we could go through and do some more if we wanted to. You may have noticed that you were limited to 30 users at a time in terms of how many you can order now, we can now go away and just check our email and see if we've got an email come in about this and what do you know, It's already there.
TOBY: Brilliant.
CHRIS: And if you log in with that information there, it will let you in. And here we see the phone device queue set up. These are the numeric username and password values that you'll need to be able to connect on your snazzy new Cisco 8865 MPP.
TOBY: Can't wait.
CHRIS: Ha ha. You can see that you've got a service pack.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: Of standard.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: There's the device type. Just reconfirming that it's existing. Alright, so we've got the email and it tells us that we're configured. But are we really?
TOBY: Yeah. Let's check it. All right.
CHRIS: All right, so we're starting back here at the UCSS portal and we're going to jump over into the TIPT administration portal.
TOBY: Sometimes known as the tap.
CHRIS: Yeah well yeah. And here's one we logged into early. So, we're going to have a look at. First of all, we've got to select the group that we need to look at. Now, remember, a group is a site.
TOBY: Yep. All right.
CHRIS: Yeah. So, we're going to bring up our group of numbers. That's right.
TOBY: It’s actually easier to remember it as a group of numbers. When you think about it.
CHRIS: That’s right. So here's the information that we put in earlier, which is the basic sanitary stuff about who you are.
TOBY: Yeah, my name, my user ID, what group I'm part of. It's showing you even that you have access to instant messaging and voice portal for voicemail, all that sort of stuff. It's generated a password for you to do that. So, you can see there there's the phone number that you were provided. It's been automatically activated.
I didn't have to do that manually, which I would have otherwise had to do. Yeah. The other thing is, it's created what's called an Identity Device Profile. Now, this is the guts of why the process that we use to order this user or add you as a user to This site is such a powerful utility because that profile exactly matches what you need as a user at this site at that phone number for that type of handset.
So how about we wrap this video up and then we'll assemble a phone, plug it in and get you to log in and see if you can make a call and…
TOBY: Make sure it actually works.
CHRIS: Yeah, alright, cool. That sounds great.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Setting up handsets and devices
Unboxing your TIPT equipment
This is a quick introduction to the unboxing of the TIPT hardware where you'll get a description of each of the various components prior to the actual unboxing.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Unboxing your TIPT equipment]
TOBY: It's like Christmas if you're a, UC nerd.
CHRIS: Except the courier is not dressed in red and doesn't have a big white beard.
TOBY: Yeah, that's true. That's true. Look, we're obviously getting into the unboxing and how do you set stuff up segment.
We've got some handsets here. What's that? A key expansion module by the looks of things.
CHRIS: Yes that’s right.
TOBY: That's a bit you add to the side of the handset.
CHRIS: On the side, Yeah.
TOBY: What else we got here? What's that?
CHRIS: Well, we've got a couple of headsets. That's a headset.
TOBY: I can't wait. I'm going to do this anyway, right. Oh look at this! That's a teaser, for later on. What's that last box?
CHRIS: An analogue telephone adapter.
TOBY: What's that for?
CHRIS: Mainly for connecting older analogue style equipment, stuff that doesn't have a SIP client in it. And what it basically allows you to do is connect, say, door openers, alarms, fax machines, those types of things.
TOBY: One of these, here's one I've prepared earlier.
CHRIS: Well look, the old touch phone 200, they were venerable and popular phone in their day.
TOBY: This probably this one actually says Telecom Australia.
CHRIS: Probably not the type of gear that you'd be wanting to hook into your brand-new TIPT environment today.
But nevertheless, an example of the type of older equipment that some people still need to use.
TOBY: Yeah, and it may not be that obviously it can be something like an alarm system as you mentioned or whatever. Alright, I can't wait to get into it, so let's do so.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Setting up your TIPT handset for the first time
In this video, you'll learn how to assemble and configure an executive handset with TIPT.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Setting up your TIPT handset for the first time]
TOBY: Well, here we are about to unbox an executive grade phone within the TIPT environment. Where would you see this set sitting within the scale of available handsets Chris?
CHRIS: Oh, well, it's at the upper end of Cisco's range.
TOBY: So, an executive phone.
CHRIS: That's right.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Cisco 8865]
TOBY: Now here it is we might just mention that this is a switch that we're going to be plugging it into. But this is what comes in the box. We get the handset itself, lovely and it's an executive version. You can see large screen and you know what I think is really good about this has come with a CAT5 or CAT6 cable in the box. This allows you to just plug it in straight away and get going with it.
CHRIS: That's right. Which if you're using POE or POE Plus depending on the phone model, means that it's ready for that particular source of power straight away.
TOBY: Power over Ethernet.
CHRIS: Correct.
TOBY: Yeah, very good. We might have a quick tour as to what's on the front, then turn it over and they actually start assembling this. Now, I can see already that we've got lights, lines, buttons here. We'll know that when that turns on. They look like soft keys.
TOBY: OK, yep.
We've got a voicemail function, a settings function, a phone book function. I'm assuming that's going to be volume. We've got a hold the pause button to hold this is for conferencing I'm gathering?
CHRIS: Or transferring.
TOBY: Or transferring is transfer the call, conferencing and whether you want to answer your phone via headset, speaker or mute.
CHRIS: Correct.
TOBY: And of course the standard keys.
CHRIS: Oh well yeah, and there's also here you can see menu, back, the go back button and of course the hang up button and the cursor button.
TOBY: All good and easy. But the fact is I'm treating this as if I'm a very new user. We haven't even looked at the manual and most of the stuff makes sense. Alright, let's flip it over and have a look. And here it is. Why don't we start from left to right, Chris? I think it's it's pretty easy to say that that's going to be power. If you don't want to use Power over Ethernet, we've got a USB point for any USB connected devices.
CHRIS: Well, also because it's yellow that tells you that it's supplying power, even if the phones in power save mode. So, you might be able to charge things there as well.
TOBY: Perfect. Alright, that looks like a LAN icon and I'm assuming that's how you'd connect the phone into a TIPT environment.
CHRIS: Yeah. Now let's talk about these two ports together. That's right. So, they're both RJ45, so they're both oriented towards what you'd call structured cabling connection for LAN. But the difference between these is that that symbol indicates that that port is meant to go from the port from the phone to the LAN and this one is meant to go from the phone to a subtended PC. So, if you're in an office environment now where you have one port available at the desk from the land and you have a PC and a phone that you'd like to connect, it's quite common these days for the PC to connect through the phone and that's showing you that this phone is designed to support that arrangement.
TOBY: That's terrific because most, many desks, I should say, only have a single RJ45 port.
CHRIS: That’s right.
TOBY: Not two.
CHRIS: That’s right.
TOBY: That's as it might have been the case many years ago.
CHRIS: That's right. So, to the LAN.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: To the PC.
TOBY: OK. And so, the PC basically passes through the connection to the PC passes through the phone into the LAN, all right. An auxiliary port. That'll be for things like fixed headsets and so on. And then we've got what looks like a 3.5mm mini jack, as they call it for an external speaker and one for a microphone. There's another port here for a headset.
CHRIS: That’s right.
TOBY: And also for the handset.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: Why don't we plug that in alright? I think we should now trap for young players because I've made mistakes like this in the past. There's a long end and a short end to these cables to the long end is the bib because it goes into the phone. Otherwise, it just doesn't manage the connection. Nice cable tidy alright, which we put in like so. So, while we're showing the back, why don't we also plug in the CAT5 or CAT6 cable and we'll put it into the LAN port.
Now I'm gonna just lean the cable over to this side Chris, because by the time we turn it over, it will be in the right spot to connect into the switch. And of course now we're going to plug in, we'll assemble the stand and that just goes into these slots like so. Here we go, Time to turn it over.
Alright, let's turn it back over again. Now we'll tilt it up in a second so that everyone can see what's going on. But in the meantime, I'm also going to plug the handset, the other end of the cable into the handset. And here it is. We're assembled and all we gotta do now is really to plug it in and see if it's working.
Now obviously at work you just plug it into the available port that's on your desk. In this case, I'm going to plug it into the switch. But before we do, there's a reason why we've done it in this order, right?
CHRIS: That's right. We're giving you an example of Power over Ethernet. Now that means that as soon as you plug it into the switch or to the wall port, if you're using Power over Ethernet, the phone will try to boot.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: And you don't want that happening while you're still assembling it.
TOBY: OK, yeah, that's true. Alright, so I'm gonna plug it in right now and let's have a look at what happens on the screen while this is going on.
So, it's now plugged in and there's a flash saying hello.
CHRIS: Yeah, so we know now that the handset has got power from the switch, we actually can see the switch. So, we know that things are happening cause we can see the lights blinking. You possibly can't see that.
TOBY: There it is, your desk and let's have a look. There's the Cisco logo that's come up.
CHRIS: OK, so what that's telling us is that.
TOBY: Lights are flashing.
CHRIS: Is that the phone is happy that it's got service from the switch, it's got its power, everything starting to go through the process of booting up. Now from this point forward, what the phone will do is start to try to contact TIPT. So, it's going to communicate with a DHCP server and we have one connected to our lab here that is going to provide an IP address. It's going to provide information about where its router is and other technical bits and pieces. But importantly as well, it's going to tell it where TIPT is.
TOBY: Here we go. System booting. There was a screen that came up there. Configuration check is in process. This may take a few minutes. This is a good start. I feel as though we're doing all right.
CHRIS: It's certainly progressing the right way so far. Now what happens next? What we see on the screen next is going to tell us a little bit about whether or not we have configured our LAN correctly.
CHRIS: If your DHCP server is not configured correctly, you might be able to tell that the prompts are different to what they should be.
And so, what we expect to see when the phone has booted up completely and connected to TIPT and knows that it can reach TIPT, it will give us an opportunity to enter a username and a password.
CHRIS: If you don't get a username and password box, then that means that there is something probably not right with your LAN configuration.
TOBY: And there it is. The username and passwords come up.
CHRIS: That's right. And that's a very, very good indication that the phone has been able to contact TIPT and now it knows that it needs to be able to log in in order to then do the next part of the setup.
TOBY: OK, Now, this will be the information that I got on the email.
CHRIS: That’s right.
TOBY: That was sent to me in order to be a new user within TIPT environment.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: What if we don't have this?
CHRIS: Then you can't register or log in and get the phone to register with TIPT straight away. So, you need that information.
TOBY: Ok. So, Chris, as you mentioned before, if you don't get this screen, you need to contact your administrator. And if you don't get the email with the information that you're going to need to plug in for your username and password, contact your administrator.
CHRIS: That's right. Now, you might find that the administrator actually doesn't give you the original email he might provide, or she might provide you with the information in some other format, but there is an email available that's called Device QSetup and that's the information that you need to log in.
TOBY: All right now. I've put in my username and password, and password was a very long string of numbers because we're using a number pad rather than an alpha numeric pad, and I moved from 1 field to the other just using this cursor key here to go down. So, I don't know. Should we just hit the go button?
CHRIS: Hit sign In.
TOBY: Alright. And it's now signing into the account as we can see. And the wow, that was quick, It's fantastic. Alright, sign in is successful. I will hit the OK button and it's applying some configuration information. The system's booting, but I thought we did that already.
CHRIS: Yeah.
TOBY: What happens?
CHRIS: After you've successfully logged in, it can now check its configuration, check its firmware and TIPT DMS up in the cloud will push down new configuration files and new firmware if needed. And so, the phone has applied those and then wants to reboot in order to make them active.
TOBY: Alright. And in the time that we've been talking about that, there's my phone number and it's all up and running.
Well, there's only one way to make sure we've done it right, and that's to make a call. Should I make it or will you ring me?
CHRIS: I'll ring you now.
TOBY: OK, why don't we do that? And there it is. I better answer it, I suppose. Hello, this is Toby Travanner.
CHRIS: Hello Toby.
TOBY: Excellent. Well, thanks very much Chris. And there you go where we did it. I'm really pleased. You know what I liked about this, this is basically everything is kind of almost plug and play, right. You just you just plug, assemble the phone, plug it in and then TIPT does the rest.
[TEXT ON SCREE: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Attaching a Key Expansion Module (KEM) to TIPT
In this video, you'll learn how to attach a key expansion module (KEM) for the Cisco 8865 phone with TIPT.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Attaching a Key Expansion Module (KEM) to TIPT]
TOBY: You know Chris, sometimes you just don't have enough buttons on your handset. In this video we're going to show you how to attach a KEM, a key expansion module. And in this case, it's going to be an appropriate key expansion module for the Cisco 8865 phone.
CHRIS: That's right. So, the one we have there here is called the Videocam.
TOBY: Here we go get to open up again the Cisco box in this case. And inside we have what looks like a connector, some screws. That's good. And then I think we're going to have the KEM itself and the stand. Let's put it all together.
OK, so we've got the pieces, We've got the KEM itself, as you can see, a matching stand, what looks like a connector. And I've left the screws in the plastic because quite frankly, I don't want to lose them. Let's have a look at the way the KEM is designed to start off with. We've obviously got the connector that will go inside this slot. But as I turn it over, I notice that we've got some ports here that in theory, if I remove them, look like they're for another connector.
CHRIS: That's right. So, what you'll find there is that some of the phone models support multiple KEMs. And that's another thing that you would check in the information on the Cisco website or in in some of the TIPT guides. They will tell you how many individual KEMs are one particular handset can actually carry.
TOBY: So, let's connect it up. Here's a quick tip you might be tempted to put in the stand first. Actually, what you want to do is to stick in the connector first and then use one of the screws to lock it in place. All right, There's only one way this will go in, and I better get it right. There we go. And you'll probably be able to just see here that there is a screw hole and that's where one of the screws is. There's a matching one on the handset as well. And then once we put the stand in, you can see it all covers up. Then it's literally a matter of slotting these two together and we're assembled.
So, once we plug it in, will it work straight away?
CHRIS: Well, certainly the handset will come on straight away. Again, whether the KEM comes on depends upon TIPT's default settings for that handset and the KEM type. Right. And sometimes you actually do need to make a change to the custom tags to get them to fire up.
CHRIS: And let's make that judgement once we see what happens. Alright, well let's plug it in, see what happens. There was a flash and the Cisco logos come up. The line buttons are flashing and they've all gone green, systems booting and I can see that the phone is basically back up, but the KEM hasn't been recognised.
So why is that again?
CHRIS: All right, what can happen is that the default Cam expectation of the phone within TIPT is a different model to the one that you've plugged in. So what you'll find is that what we need to do is we need to tweak the tags to allow us to actually connect or put in the setting for the right KEM.
But the other thing is that if you've got a phone that accepts multiple cams, they have a larger power draw, right? And for a POE or POE plus environment, that might mean you need to tweak some custom tags to allow the phone to request more power from the switch.
TOBY: OK, All right. Well, let's go in and change the tags.
CHRIS: Sure. OK.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris adding a Custom Tag add on the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: So, you can see here that in the TIPT administration portal, I've pre jumped to you as the user. You can see there on the screen. That's your phone number. So what we're able to do now is go straight to addresses.
And for those of you who have watched the custom tag video that we've also produced that explains our tags work, if you check that video, you'll recall how we actually go in and change the setting for one device for one user. All right. So up here at custom tags, we can go in here. And what we're going to do is we're going to add a tag called KEM type. And the reason I know to do that is because in testing, I've already been through this process.
TOBY: And again, this is what an administrator is likely to be doing, not a user.
CHRIS: That's right. That's right. A user wouldn't have access to this portal at this level. OK, the tag value. Now I know that it needs to be CP 8800 video, and that's because it's a video Cam. Yep. All right, so I just put that in. I can then press OK, and so that tag is now entered. As you can see on the screen here that tag is now available to be put into the configuration file for the handset.
CHRIS: Now I need to go to the Files tab. I need to rebuild the configuration file. You can see there the comment. After you rebuild the file, be sure to reset the phone for changes to take effect. So, I'm putting the changes in the file by clicking rebuild.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: And then I reset the phones.
TOBY: Right?
CHRIS: And if we watch the phone, we can, we will see the line one key flash orange.
TOBY: I saw it flash apply configuration and it seems to be doing it.
CHRIS: Yeah. So what you'll find is the reaction of the phone to different types of tags will depend upon I guess how significant the tag is to the phones operation. Sometimes when you make changes in the system it's a fairly simple change and the phone doesn't go through a large amount of research work.
TOBY: Again, it's near real time.
CHRIS: Yeah, it's very close.
TOBY: Yeah, couple of things I picked up, Chris. If you're an administrator, it would probably be safer if you did all of the tags before delivering the hardware to the user. But if by chance the hardware ends up on the user's desk and they've gone and slotted it in and then they ring you up and say it's not working, then it's pretty straightforward and it's near real time again, right? That's nice to be able to react quickly and that's the TIPT environment working again. So, can we use it?
CHRIS: Yeah, we can. But what we'll do is use the TIPT admin portal once again to allow us to put in things like speed dials, BLFs, shared call appearances and other things like that.
TOBY: OK, great.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Setting up Speed Dials with TIPT
In this video, you'll learn how to use the TIPT Administration Portal to add Speed Dials.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Setting up Speed Dials with TIPT]
TOBY: In this video we're going to talk about setting up a speed dial. Now, I could do that on the handset.
TOBY: But I do recall that other times you said, “It may not be a good idea, Toby”. Why is that?
CHRIS: Because if you set it up using the keys on the handset using the menu, then TIPT doesn't know about it in DMS.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: So, the configuration files are not changed. All you've done is make a local change to the phone. That means that if the administrator makes a change to a tag and rebuilds your config file, or there's some new system maintenance done on the phone and it has to reload its configuration, you'll lose everything you've done.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of the TIPT Administration Portal ‘Identify Device Profile Modify’ webpage]
CHRIS: The administrator would use the TIPT administration portal to create custom tags that set the speed dials up for you. There are going to be cases where you might want speed dials that are common to all of the handsets of a particular type in the one side,
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: And you can set those all up in one.
TOBY: There you go. Particular entry like Speed Dial 10 - IT Help Desk.
CHRIS: That's right.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of the TIPT Administration Portal ‘Identify Device Profile Modify’ webpage]
CHRIS: So, we've jumped straight into the TIPT admin portal.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris using the Custom Tags tab on the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: We've preset ourselves to your user identity within TIPT. So for this particular handset. And you can see there that we've done that to avoid having to navigate all of the menus. So we jump across to custom tags, which we've already done as well, and we start to add different types of tag. OK, so in this particular case, we need to add a couple of different tags by name, and these are co-dependent tags. So, one tag disables a previous setting on the particular key, and then the next tag actually sets the speaker value.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris disabling the first key on the TIPT Administration Portal]
TOBY: So, we need to disable the first part?
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris adding a new tag for a Speed Dial on the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: We jump in here and we say, PLK-5. Yep, which is the key we want, yes. OK And we're going to disable that one, right.
TOBY: So, this takes whatever the default setting might have been on there so that we can apply something over.
CHRIS: Yep. And the reason we know to do that is cause the config guide told us to do it.
TOBY: Yeah, great. So when in doubt, go to the config guide.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris adding a new tag for a speed dial on the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: Pretty much, pretty much. And then we add the actual line key function. This is the thing that's going to make it a speed dial. OK, so we know that the line function value for that is line function 5 - now another tip.
TOBY: Yeah, I see it already. Yeah underscore "_", function, hyphen "-", 5.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: This stuff's really important.
CHRIS: Yeah, you get that wrong and it just won't accept it.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: OK, alright, and we put in there our tag value. Now I have a tag value that I'm setting previously I have set in here and I'm just going to grab that. OK, so that's one that I've organised before. Now that happens to be just a random phone number. So we hit OK just to save that.
TOBY: Yep. And why don't we action this and see what happens?
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris using the Files tab on the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: So, we go to files. We rebuild the files, and you can see at the top it said defies rebuild or reset is triggered and then we reset the phone and that will send a message to the phone to reset itself.
TOBY: And there it is. Good work Chris, but what about putting a speed dial onto the KEM or the key expansion module? Alright, I'm assuming that's just a couple of tags as well.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris putting a speed dial on the KEM through the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: Well, it's actually 1 tag.
CHRIS: But it's a slightly different format and it's a good example of how tags can change for different types of equipment.
TOBY: Alright, let's give it a go. So here we are back at the custom tag page.
TOBY: This is what we've got and at the moment, so let's add a phone number into the KEM.
CHRIS: So, I hit the add button. So, this time the format is PKEM in our case one hyphen line key number.
TOBY: OK, so PKEM one is referring to the first module.
CHRIS: Tag value now is going to be, well, we're going to use the same value again, but we'll just change the name slightly.
TOBY: Support in full.
CHRIS: Yeah, to show you that it's a different entry.
TOBY: OK, alright. Now this phone number is not a real phone number, is it?
CHRIS: No. OK, alright, so once we've done that, we can go to the files page again. Yep, we can click on Rebuild the files and then reset the phones.
TOBY: And there it is, IT support.
CHRIS: Special one we put in with the full name for support instead of the abbreviation.
TOBY: So excellent.
CHRIS: That tells you straight away that those two particular entries are different and each was specific to the specific type of handset or sidecar that is loaded on.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: ‘Sidecar’ is another term for Key Expansion Module]
TOBY: Yeah. So, for those of you administrators, I think what might be good is if you're talking to an individual user who wants something specifically set up, then you might say give me all of the speed dials you want in one go. But what I find is really useful here is for the company wide versions of the phone numbers that you want to put in there. That's all done basically from a single desk.
CHRIS: That's right. And don't forget too, while it might seem a little bit more work for an administrator to do this up front for an individual user with their custom settings, if they happen to change their handsets down the track,
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: You can then move their particular speed dials with them relatively easily. If they say. If they move to a different phone in the office or whatever the case is.
TOBY: Again, it's the TIPT environment.
CHRIS: That's right.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Connecting your headset to a TIPT handset
In this video, you'll learn how to physically connect your headset to the TIPT handset.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Connecting your headset to a TIPT handset]
TOBY: I think we're missing the ability to move around, to not be stuck at a desk, and that's why I think I need a headset.
CHRIS: Well, it could be as simple as I don't want to hang on to the handset.
TOBY: Well, that's true. Yeah, that's true as well. So, look, there's two versions here and I think they're pretty good. If I turn them around so that we can see from the top as an example, Wow, look at that. That's got some warning signs of batteries in there. This one looks very nice and lo and behold, this one. I like this one. This is the Cisco headset 730, OK, and it comes with downloadable apps.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: For Bluetooth headset connection tips, please watch ‘Connecting your headset to your TIPT handset - Bluetooth’]
TOBY: And it's this beautiful little case that goes along with it, right The set of instructions here. I might just get those out of the way right now and have a look at what these headphones are like as well. Oh yes, the other one here, this is a what is it? A model…
CHRIS: 562.
TOBY: 562. You can see it there. This one, immediately you can see the difference because it has a mic on a boom. And what's interesting about this are, I hope you can see it well enough, is that that boom goes in both directions. So, depending on what looks like your own preferences in the mute button, the answer button, the volume buttons and which side you prefer to do it, you can either stick that on the right hand side and put the boom down like so I might as well demonstrate it like this. There's an example or I could probably do this if I felt like it as well, correct?
CHRIS: Yeah.
TOBY: Yeah, I'll just flip it over and there's an example this way. OK, Either way, these are pretty good. I I do like them like both of them. Let's unbox what looks like a charging cradle on this one, and by the looks of things in this particular unit, there we go. Yep. Wow. This one comes with a lot of things. By the looks of things I can use. There are some power adapters there. Here's your…
CHRIS: Actual power supply.
TOBY: Actual power supply. This looks pretty simple and how it plugs in and we lock it like so yeah alright what else do we have?
CHRIS: Well these will be cables to connect it to your phone if you want to connect it via phone.
TOBY: And that one is your standard auxiliary connector.
CHRIS: And there will be there will be another there. So, you can see there that that's got a USB connector and a standard RJ11 and that would be to supply power and sound.
TOBY: This one looks like it's USB only, and this one here, there's a lot in this one. OK, USB A to USB Micro USB, Alright so lots of options here, but the main thing that I can see is difference here and I'll just be very careful with this packaging. Pop it over the side is the cradle attachment, which I can see is for charging as well. So, should we plug it in?
CHRIS: Yeah, let's go.
TOBY: Yeah. Look, from what I can tell, and honestly, this is an unboxing that I've never seen before, right? So, this is trying to give you the same experience that you might get. This, to me, feels like it connects to the headset, your handset and headset, Bluetooth to this device.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: OK, well, why don't we do a little bit of power? So, by the magic of a bit of editing, we've since plugged the power in. And also, while we've taken the opportunity to plug into the bottom of this unit, which you might just be able to see here, we've also plugged the USB end of this particular cable which we're going to plug into the handset, right? You could go USB into USB as well if you want.
CHRIS: Well yeah, the instructions indicate that when the phone can support it, you can do that as well.
TOBY: Alright. So, in this case, we've chosen to basically do each end of a handset. You can see that this is now going to go into the auxiliary port here and the other one is going to go into the headset port like so, alright, you can see that since we've done that we've got some lights flashing to indicate that we've got connection.
OK, alright. I think what we want to do is to now plug this in and there will be a right way and a wrong way. And as you can see here, there's the connectors like so and an indication on the device itself which shows which way it goes in. And so I'm going to give that a crack.
And now we have a flashing light on the headset as well. There's very interesting little arrow for people like me, blue arrow to blue arrow the first few times. So that does make it very easy to not get it wrong. All right, it's set up, it says it's talking to the phone, not to a computer or anything else. So I think we should be up and running.
TOBY: How do we make sure it is all right?
CHRIS: You want to ring you?
TOBY: Yeah. Let's find out what's going on. As I said first time, I've never done this. It's ringing. I'm just going to pick up the headset and it's…
CHRIS: Answered automatically. Answered for you.
TOBY: Hello, Chris, can you hear me?
CHRIS: Indeed I can.
TOBY: Well, that's great. That's great. I can actually hear you. No problems at all. There you go. Well, that was easy, wasn't it? I better hang up. And there you go. I've hung up. That was very easy. We just plugged in a few things. The headset itself talks to the base station instantaneously.
CHRIS: One other thing, before you move on, you can also sync this with your mobile via Bluetooth. So, you can see here you've got a mobile symbol, your desk phone, and your PC. So, you've got a cable in the box that you can plug into the PC as well. And on top of that, you can use the standard method that everybody is probably fairly familiar with as far as syncing headsets with mobile lines using Bluetooth as well.
TOBY: And look, I was just getting this out of the way. You can see there's Bluetooth button that I've pressed that's flashing. That will be pairing mode.
CHRIS: Why don't we check? OK And you can see there, Cisco headset, right appearing.
TOBY: Here it is. Gee, that's easy, isn't it? OK, now as much as I hate being unprepared, part of the idea of doing these videos in this way is to give you the same experience that we're having as a first time user. And that was brilliant, right? That was really, really simple and easy to use. As long as I put that back in in the right way, we should be fine.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Connecting your headset to a TIPT handset with Bluetooth
In this video, you'll learn how to connect your headset to the TIPT handset using Bluetooth
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Connecting your headset to a TIPT handset with Bluetooth]
TOBY: And we've got the other headset here, the Cisco headset 730. Right from the start. It's a very different proposition. OK? And if you have a look, the first thing you notice is the set of instructions now are not you must read this. It's a set of visual instructions. What people are doing nowadays, little things like telling you that that is the right-hand side as you open it up. There is a right way and a wrong way to put them on. And a set of instructions based upon what the buttons are on the device.
Also, apps that are available to control the headset. OK, you know what? I'm not one for, I'm not one for instructions, no matter how simple they are. Let's see if this is intuitive enough to make it work right from the start. As you can see, the device is clearly much more of a lifestyle device. And you can see it's designed to be taken out of the office. Yeah, for use. Whereas the other one with the holder and so on looks like it belongs in the office all the time. It's much more of a work device, whereas this one right from the start does look a little bit more like a lifestyle device as well. Now let's open it up. Oh! And there you go.
We did open it before, but it's still nice. I understand it comes in a black as well as this as this very cool grey. And let's have a play, Let's have a look at what's in this device and see what we notice immediately. First thing I notice is the fact that you've got grills here which do indicate which way it needs to go forward. That's why I gathered the microphones sitting behind. We also see that there is a mute button there, which is pretty good. OK.
And on this side, I don't think I'm going to use that mute button all that often. Actually, just thinking about it now on this side, you can see here we've got an off NC for noise cancelling and AMB for ambience. So, I think ambience to my understanding of it allows more external noise to come in. So, if you're riding around or walking around, you want to be aware of traffic noise. That's the way to do it.
Also, on here, if we look further down, we've got a 3.5mm mini-Jack to allow you to plug this into a device that requires, you know, headphone cable you'll need to supply that and a USB C which will be for charging.
But also, if you've got the ability to connect your device via USB C and look somewhere along the line if there are firmware updates probably going to happen via that as well on the sides here, volume buttons, forward and back buttons and you know forward and back is if you're using this for listening to your songs.
And on this side, this is as we saw in the instructions, this is the answer or hang up button. I think we should just give it a try, don't you? First thing I'm going to do is I should turn it on.
TOBY: And on the handset itself we should probably get the Bluetooth functions up. OK, so you're going in settings, there's Bluetooth, the select button, Bluetooth is on Bluetooth mode phone, which I think is going to be sensible.
CHRIS: You can leave it at that default that’s OK.
TOBY: Alright. And then devices. Set devices. Now, if we're going to do scan, I need to get the Bluetooth function working and I flick that switch upwards for two seconds until the blue light starts to flash and now it's in pairing mode. You've hit the scan button, it's saying that it's scanning for Bluetooth devices and there it is, Cisco's headset 730 - 176. Hit the connect button. I'm going to listen in, see if I can hear it. It's connected. Yeah, it is connected. It told me so as well. In theory, we're done. Is that right?
CHRIS: We are done. Ready to go?
TOBY: Well, that was easy. That was ridiculously easy. Do you wanna give me a call?
CHRIS: I can do that.
TOBY: Oh, it's telling me. It's telling me it's got an incoming call. I better answer it. I've hit the button. Hello, Chris, how are you? And there you go. I'm connected. It's fantastic. Look at that. So easy. As you'd expect.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Configuring a TIPT handset for a receptionist
In this video, you'll learn how to configure a TIPT handset for a receptionist.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Configuring a TIPT handset for a receptionist]
TOBY: Many organisations like to have a single number that they have their clients and business partners ring in on, and then an individual or person in a receptionist style of role passes on those phone calls to other people. And in this video, we're going to show you how to do that for a smaller office.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: What do we need to do to get started?
CHRIS: Well, first of all we need to understand a couple of concepts. Now there are features within TIPT called multiline and multiple call appearance.
Now what they refer to is multiline means the number of keys on your handset that have the primary line appearing right and multiple call appearance means the number of lines on each of those keys. So, when you get a default handset for a user setup from scratch hasn't been changed, they will have a multi-line one meaning one key and a call appearance of two meaning it can take an active call and then have another one calling in or being on hold at the same time.
CHRIS: Alright so for this receptionist console what we're going to do is we're going to use say multi line 6 is going to be the example we show.
TOBY: OK. Yep.
CHRIS: So, 6 keys yet, but we're going to leave the call appearances too. And the reason we do that is that Telstra recommends that rather than overloading the keys with too many primary lines, you go with a modest number of lines on those keys. So, we're going to go with the call appearance of two. So, you can see at the moment, our console, if we look at the phone itself, our console has the key with the primary line on it.
TOBY: And then we have the 623-28301 number.
CHRIS: OK. So that's the company number effectively, yes.
And then we have a virtual line somewhere to park calls if we need to. And then we have a heap of BLFs. So, speed dials effectively so that the receptionist in this case Lou Chen can forward calls quickly to the person who is asked for by the caller.
TOBY: And all those extension numbers are within the number range of this group.
CHRIS: That's right. Yeah. So, what we're going to do first is we're going to create the additional multi lines.
TOBY: OK, good.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris creating additional multi-lines in the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: Alright, so in this case in the TIPT administration portal, we're going to the user in this case Lou Chen bringing up Lou Chan's profile and then we use custom tags to control the number of multiline keys. So, in this case we add a tag and the tag names are PLK-X where X equals the key number of concern. So, in this case we are turning it on key by key.
So, we're going to use a tag number name of PLK in this case. You can see I've done it before because PLK-2 is appearing. So, we take that one and we simply turn the tag value to 1 to indicate a turn it on.
TOBY: And again, another reminder that tags are very, very specific in how you have to write them down. So "hyphen" rather than "underscore" in this case.
And so, through the magic of video we've entered all those details for the multiline keys. And Chris, what are you going to do now?
CHRIS: OK, because they go in as custom tags, I'm going to go to the files tab. I'm going to rebuild the files for the phone and then reset the phone.
And then we will see in a moment the phone will begin its reset function. There it is. You can see the LED flashing for the first key. OK you can see how all of the multi lines have appeared up to the line key 6 and then we'll have the BLFs appear shortly after. Now because we now have all of these additional multi lines involved, you can see that the BLFs are spilling over onto the Cam.
TOBY: Well, good work Chris. Let's test it, make sure it's working.
CHRIS: Alright. So, we're going to, we have a call already. Let's answer it and we will put it on hold. So that's our first call. OK. Lou Chen at reception. Yep. How about you call?
TOBY: I might ring somebody. I'm gonna ring Lou and say how you are going.
CHRIS: And we'll answer you and put you on hold. I'll call.
CHRIS: So, at the moment you can see that both calls appeared on the first key.
TOBY: Yes.
CHRIS: So, if I call, it's now moved to the second case.
TOBY: There's only two lines on each of these multi lines, correct?
CHRIS: Yeah.
Now just at this point, it's worth highlighting that you don't necessarily know which key it's going to turn up on. So sometimes you can have a call come in a little later and it might come on a different key, right? It doesn't matter, OK. The receptionist will become used to dealing with that. So, we'll put one more call in there.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris adding a third call to the demonstration using WebEx client]
CHRIS: And this is using the WebEx client that I have running as well and we'll put that one on hold as well. Now what we're going to do is we're going to forward one of the calls,
TOBY: OK, good.
CHRIS: In this case, Sam Colleague and Sam has the same phone.
TOBY: Yeah, alright, great.
CHRIS: So, let's forward Charlie. So, we've got Charlie's already active. You can see on the screen that Charlie's listed there.
TOBY: He's been on hold for 27 seconds. So, let's move them quickly.
CHRIS: Alright. So, we'll will resume transfer to Sam and…
TOBY: Sam is ringing. I'll answer it. Thank you, Lou. I guess I've got a call coming in. We better get rid of the echo.
CHRIS: Now at this stage, the receptionist talks to Sam says, I've got a call for you. Sam says, OK, I can take it. So, we do the transfer. Thank you. Now have the call.
TOBY: So, there it is, a receptionist console on the phone with TIPT.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Configuring a TIPT handset for key system emulation
In this video, you'll learn how to configure a TIPT handset to emulate a key system environment.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Configuring a TIPT handset for key system emulation]
TOBY: Chris, a lot of people like to behave the way they used to. And what I mean by that is a small office, you might put somebody, a, a customer on hold and go, “Hey, Bob, call for you on line three,”. OK. That's the old style of key system environment. And I suppose what this video is about is to show you how you can configure a TIPT environment to do key system emulation.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: So how do we go about doing it?
CHRIS: All right. So the first thing we need to get used to is the idea of a virtual line. Now virtual line is a special type of user that doesn't have a device. See, ordinarily when you create a user in the UCSS portal…
TOBY: Yes, it's a line to a device.
CHRIS: Yeah, you were signing a device, or at the very least something like a soft client.
TOBY: Yeah.
CHRIS: But a virtual line is effectively a phone number that doesn't have a device specifically assigned to it.
TOBY: Got it. So, a good business scenario of how you might use this because it's not a normal user. As an example is that I might receive a call on my TIPT line, park it on, let's say virtual line 1.
CHRIS: So, because it's a special type of user, if you were to try and use the UCSS portal to set this up, you would need to assign a basic pack to it or something to get it going…
TOBY: Because it's to do with the phone and the user.
CHRIS: That's right. But the thing about all of those packs is A - they cost a licence fee. But secondly, they normally set up to assume that there's a device involved. There is a special type of service pack or feature pack I should say within TIPT called Automatic Call Retrieve.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: Very specifically Automatic Call/Retrieve v20.
CHRIS: So, in this case we're going to set up the user using TIPT Administration Portal instead. Not normally something we recommend you do for users from scratch, but for this particular example it's probably the simplest way to do it.
TOBY: OK, well, let's go to the TIPT administration portal and see how it's done.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris setting up a ‘virutal line user’ on the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: OK, alright. Now, as you can see, we've already started the TIPT administration portal session and I've logged in and I've got myself to the right site. Now one thing you need to have made sure you've done in advance is to make sure you've got access to that Automatic Call Retrieve v20 feature that I was mentioning a moment ago.
TOBY: Yep. And when you mentioned site, we're not talking about online site, we're talking about the physical TIPT site.
CHRIS: That's right. Also known as a group.
TOBY: Mhm.
CHRIS: OK. So, in here we want to add a new user, so we click on the user function add and in this case why don't we put in a new user ID that is extremely memorable and you can see I've been already using this to do something similar in the past. So we're gonna call it a key terminal system virtual line and we'll call it video demo. Alright, so we need to put in a few bits and pieces here. So it's, we're going to call it, we'll call it a last name of KTS. Yep.
TOBY: What would you normally put in here?
CHRIS: It would be. Oftentimes it would be the user whose first name and last name.
TOBY: So, the person setting it up for their use.
CHRIS: Yeah. So, we'll go to the first one here, VL, you can see that it's added, the first bits and pieces there for us and the initial password. Now in this particular example here, we're going to put a password in, but because it's a virtual line, you'd never actually log a device in on it.
CHRIS: Alright, so I've added the information that we need there and I'm going to click on OK and there it is. So, it's added it.
CHRIS: Alright, so if we now go back into the user, we'll find it there. And there's the one we just created. So we're going to go in and have a look at it. The next parties we've got to assign the services for it. So in this particular case, there's the service or the feature we're looking for that I mentioned. TIPT Automatic Call Retrieve V20 - we add that as a user service pack, we apply and we're done. OK. The next thing we need to do is to assign the phone number, because we never actually gave it a phone number.
CHRIS: OK. So we can go into addresses and you can see there it's asking us for a phone number. So we put one in there. We can select any of these.
TOBY: They're all available.
CHRIS: They're all the, yeah, it will only show you the available ones. So we might pick 62328305 there. And you can see there that it's included an extension for abbreviated dialling if that's what you want to use. So once we've done that, we can apply that and we're done. So that's been saved so we can go out. The last thing we would need to do is to activate the number we just assigned to the virtual line.
CHRIS: So, to do that, we have to go back to the group level, go into resources and activate numbers and if we look here, we can find that there's the 62328305.
TOBY: Yes.
CHRIS: There. So, we can click on that and move that to the activated column.
TOBY: Excellent.
CHRIS: And at that stage, because it's now active, you can see there that it's activated with the tick. It's actually shown listed there.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: So, it's now would answer the call if we were to ring that device.
TOBY: Alright, very good.
CHRIS: So, what we've done at this point is created a virtual line for a user, assign the right feature or service pack to it, provide it with a with a phone number and then activated the number.
TOBY: Yep. Alright.
CHRIS: Now what we have to do is to assign it to a handset so that we can actually park calls there. TOBY: OK. And we can sign the assign this virtual number to as many handsets as we want in a location.
CHRIS: That's right. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. As long as they have spare buttons to put it on.
CHRIS: Now in order to assign it to a handset, we use the busy lamp field function.
CHRIS: So, we'll go into TIPT administration portal and we'll assign a bluff to the handset that we're going to use. And if you're not sure how to do that, there's a video that will walk you through that process as well.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris demonstrating how to assign the number to a handset on the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: So, what I'm going to do is pick out the user who was assigned to the phone that we're going to demo on. So that's a fictitious user called Sam Colleague. We're going to look for him in our list of users for this particular site and you can see there's Sam there. And then we go down to client applications. Now the thing about this particular function is BLFs can be assigned to a handset from any user in the enterprise. If you're in a large enterprise, that can mean you have more users available than can be displayed in a single search.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: So, in this particular example, we're going to narrow the search down simply because we want to make sure we don't have more than 1000 users.
TOBY: OK, good.
CHRIS: So, we're going to use a group that we know contains the virtual line we want. So you can see here, there's our user VLKTS or KTSVL video demo that we created earlier. We add that particular user to Sam Colleague's BLF list. Apply and we're done. And you can see it almost appeared immediately.
TOBY: It did.
CHRIS: So. This is one of those cases where adding a or a change to a handset doesn't require a reset of the handset. It's pushed down immediately.
TOBY: Well, let's test it. I'll ring Sam Colleague and see if it's working.
TOBY: And so, I've rung through, let's say that this is a call for Josephine in the other office
CHRIS: Or I think it Josephine can answer it.
TOBY: Yes. OK, what do we do?
CHRIS: So, I'll park it. OK.
PHONE VOICE: Your call has been parked. Thank you.
TOBY: There you go. That's very polite as well. Now we know that this was an available line and people in an office get used to it.
CHRIS: The BLF was assigned to it. Yes.
TOBY: And now all you gotta do is, “Hey, Josephine, can you pick up that call on the virtual line?” There you go. Perfect. What a great way to work, especially in an environment where people are used to working in this manner.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Configuring your Integrated Access Device (IAD) for TIPT
In this video, you'll learn how to configure an Integrated Access Device (IAD) for TIPT
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Configuring your Interactive Access Device (IAD) for TIPT]
TOBY: You know what, Chris, there are times when people want to connect something that's not modern into their TIPT network, right? And that could be an old phone, but more likely it's going to be something like, I don't know, a lift or a fire alarm or fax machine. There you go. So how do you go about doing it?
CHRIS: Well, these days we tend to use an integrated access device or IAD, so it's a little 2 port Cisco one. Now the reason that we're showing you this one is because it's a little bit different to some other devices that you'll use with TIPT that use a username and a password.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: This is an example of a device authenticated and authorised to use TIPT using its Mac address. OK. And that means that setting one up and getting it running is a little bit different to your typical device.
TOBY: So why don't we have a look at the device to start off with, starting at this end. This feels like a menu button of some sort.
CHRIS: Yeah. Well, actually it's like a status display. If that's on and it's green, then generally things are proceeding. If it's on and it's red, then generally you've got a problem.
TOBY: OK. But I can't press that one, Chris.
CHRIS: Yes, that's to do things like generate log reports and things like that.
TOBY: Excellent. As we go up and down the line, we've got some indicator lights of it's on or off. The power button that looks like a LAN indicator.
CHRIS: Well, you'll connect your Ethernet LAN cable into there and that gets you onto the WAN to get to TIPT.
TOBY: And these are the two ports that we're talking about, Port one and port 2.
CHRIS: Correct.
TOBY: Excellent. Alright, very good. Should we look at the back of it?
TOBY: Now, starting from this side, I suppose. We've got the PowerPoint, the power socket. Now we've got two RJ45 ports there. What's different about those?
CHRIS: OK, so that symbol there, you'll notice is similar to the one we saw on the top of the box. So in that particular case, that's the Ethernet connection from your LAN that'll lead to TIPT. This one here is for sub tended devices, a little bit like PCs that hang off phones.
TOBY: Got it.
CHRIS: But so, in this particular case, there are occasionally situations where you might plug a PC into that because you're doing some troubleshooting. But most of the time, unless you have a PC you want to connect to it, you'll leave it out.
TOBY: And these are the two phone lines that we've been speaking about and a reset button as well. The other side we probably need to show you is the bottom. There's some important information on that as well. What seems interesting about the back here is all the information you're going to need to get it working is listed here.
CHRIS: Well, there's one key field that you want and that's the Mac address of the actual unit itself.
And the reason for that is, as we stated earlier, you're going to use the Mac address to identify the device to TIPT so it can be authenticated and authorised and connected to the TIPT service.
TOBY: Why don't we get it working, Chris?
[ON SCREEN: Screen Recording of Chris setting up the IAD on the Telstra UC Self-Service Portal]
CHRIS: OK, in order to get the ATA 192 working most effectively for this demonstration, we're going to pretend it's a new device. We've just got it out of the box and we're going to create a special type of user for this. The best way to do it initially is to create one in new UCSS in the portal and use a basic pack. Just something that's good enough to get it going.
TOBY: Right OK.
CHRIS: And it contains all the features. So, we start by adding users to a site here, add TIPT users to a site. We've already logged in, obviously. We choose the site that we want. That's our test site for this particular demonstration and we start by putting in our customer contact details. And you can see how to add a user, there's much more thorough information about that in the TIPT first time user setup guide. OK, we can see that the site is already selected and we're going in now to add a new TIPT user. So, we'll call this something that's memorable, like ATA TIPT demo. Now, first thing.
TOBY: Now, the other thing is you could actually name this Lift 1.
CHRIS: You could call it whatever you like. Now we need to know what, what phone number we're going to use. And remember that the phone number we select here is for only one of the ports on the device. So, we've selected the first phone number.
TOBY: Just out of interest, why are there 2 ports on this?
CHRIS: So, you can have two devices.
TOBY: OK, All right.
CHRIS: Can have multiple numbers.
TOBY: So, I can have a fax machine and an old, decked phone or something like that.
CHRIS: Absolutely.
TOBY: Got it.
CHRIS: All right. We select our user pack. Remember I said a basic pack is good enough. We don't need any supplementary packs and the device type. Now if you are ordering the ATA in order to actually connect it, then you would choose an ATA to purchase or rent as, depending on which of the options are available. But we're actually going to use an ATA that we already have. So we'll choose the Cisco ATA 192 existing.
TOBY: And there it is.
CHRIS: There's the purchase option, there's the rental option and we're going to choose existing. So that means that we won't actually, yeah.
TOBY: Receive one.
CHRIS: Yeah. All right, we choose TIPT over the Internet for us because we're not, we don't have our next IP VPN that we're going to connect through. Click Next.
Alright, check the details. Everything looks pretty right.
TOBY: They do.
CHRIS: So, we submit our details and the digitised stack. The automation behind the UCSS portal will now go away and create that user and set up some basic profiles. But it's not quite ready to plug in yet.
TOBY: OK, what do we have to do to make that make it work?
CHRIS: OK, unlike some other situations where you order a new user and you get an email providing you with the info they need, like username and password etcetera to log in, in this particular case, because we're using the Mac address, we actually now have to tell TIPT what Mac address this particular device is.
TOBY: Right, OK.
CHRIS: So now we have to go to the TIPT administration portal.
TOBY: Sure. OK. So we're swapping across. Here's one we started earlier.
TOBY: Yes.
CHRIS: Just happens to be the right site. So we go in and we have a look for our users and if we list them, we might have to go to, OH. There we are.
There's the TIPT Demo 88 back the other way because it's showing us in last name, Last name, yes, Last name. First name, yeah. OK, so we can click on that and have a look at it now. So, the first thing we need to select is go to the Addresses section of the menu and we can see in here there's the phone number we chose. We can see that it's a, it's got an identity device profile name here that really isn't particularly meaningful on its own.
But what we do at this stage is we can tell by the fact that there's a port number involved, port 1, that this is a different type of device because ordinarily you wouldn't see that port number listed. So if we go into the Configure Identity Device profile, we can see that in here we have a field called Mac address and that's where we put it in. So we've set the Mac address.
The other thing we need to do is to tell it to not expect a username and password. So we have to click on that radio button there to say use identity device profile credentials and then we can apply that. And that's the first part done.
Now there's something else we need to do. In order to allow this device to work on a typical LAN where we may be using VLANs for voice devices that are different to the data VLANs that the average PC users. We need to set some tags, right? And we may also need to set a CDP flags so that the device can tell the attached switch what it actually is, because some organisations may use CDP to do some management of their LAN devices.
TOBY: Good. Alright.
CHRIS: So, to do that we go into our custom tags and we can see there is one in there already. What we're going to do is add some other tags.
OK, so let's add the first one. So we're going to use the add button here. And remember you need to be fairly precise with these, CDP, enabled. You can see we've used it before. The tag value just turned CDP on is 1,
TOBY: Underscore enable, not hyphen?
CHRIS: Correct. Yep. OK, so that's the first one we've added. We're going to add another one. This is to allow it to use VLANs, and this tag name is called VLAN enable 192. That's the one there. And to turn it on to enable it again, it's 1.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: We add that and then we add one more, which is the actual voice VLAN that's supposed to use, and that's called VLAN number.
And that one for us is 100, which is a fairly common choice for VLAN numbers. And we add that. OK. So we have these all set up and ready to go. The last thing we'll do is rebuild the files just to make sure that all of our new tags are loaded into the files ready for the device to boot up. So let's connect.
TOBY: Let's give it a go. Well, Chris, I guess the first thing we should do, as with all pieces of equipment, is to plug in the LAN and then plug in the power. So why don't I do that?
TOBY: All right. So I'm going to plug in the LAN. There we go with the LAN cable already put into our switch and I'll pop the power in now and let's see what happens. Looks like it's talking to the server.
CHRIS: Well, it's done a few different things. It's first of all it would have booted up. Then what it would have done is contacted the DHCP server on the LAN or asked for an IP address and there will be some other information supplied with that as well, including how to find TIPT. And then what it does is configures itself for IP and then starts to contact TIPT and begin to download or ask for configuration information and download anything it needs in order to boot up and register.
TOBY: All right. Well, the lights have basically stopped flashing.
CHRIS: That's right. So what it's probably done is download any firmware file information that it needs and then it may do a restart. Often they do, and then it'll go back register and it'll download more information and it may restart a couple of times, right? It's not unusual for it to do that. So, the entire process of this happening could take 3 or 4 minutes before it's ready to actually use.
TOBY: How do we know when it's ready?
CHRIS: You'll find that port 1 will go on steady green.
CHRIS: Now see how the network button. The network light is flickering a lot. It's downloading.
TOBY: OK, and there you go, it's up. Should we test it now?
CHRIS: All right, just so happens I have a special device we can use.
TOBY: OK. Now Chris, that looks like a what they used to call it a touch phone 2000. Alright, let's plug it in and see if we can get it to work.
CHRIS: All right. So we plug it into port 1 because that was the port that we activated or phone one, it's actually listed on this particular device. So, there we go.
TOBY: Alright, now a good starting point is we're going to get…
CHRIS: Dial tone.
TOBY: Dial tone. So, let's see if we I'll just pop that in there. Let's see if we're at least we get that. So let's see if we got some dial tone. And there it is. I'm going to ring myself and it is, and there you go, It's ringing. How good is that? So, you know what, Chris, we've spoken about old, old handsets like this one, lift phones and fax machines, but it could be alarm systems or important health equipment that you need connected and this is an easy way to do it in the TIPT environment.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Setting up TIPT features
Setting Custom Tags for TIPT
In this video, you'll learn about using custom tags in relation to users and handsets for TIPT
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Setting Custom Tags for TIPT]
CHRIS: TIPT is organised so that many of the customisations and behavioural changes on the phone are controlled from the cloud, not from the handset.
TOBY: So, what's a good example of that?
CHRIS: Well, speed dial buttons.
CHRIS: OK, so let's suppose that you have a number that you ring very regularly and as a result you'd like to have it on one of the line keys on the side, what are often referred to as programmable line keys.
And you would like to be able to just press the line key and have the phone call set. The way that it works is that the administrator, so in this case the customer enterprise administrator or the customer group administrator for the site concerned.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: Will go into the TIPT administration portal and use a technique known as tags to make changes to the configuration of the handsets. Now these tags can be applied in order to override the default behaviour of the phone they're called. They're also referred to as custom tags.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: And what happens is that the administrator uses the portal to configure tags, the change specific behaviours, then rebuilds the configuration files for the phone and then can either allow the user to reset the phone and pull the configuration down. Or there is a technique available as well, using a hyperlink in the portal to cause the phones to reset immediately; or immediately when they're idle if they're already in a call, right.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris demonstrating how to set custom tags for TIPT in the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: So, we've jumped into the portal already having selected the group or site that we're interested in because all of the tags that you change will generally occur for an entire site, for a handset type or for an individual user at a site for a handset type. And you'll notice I keep saying handset type, not handset.
TOBY: Yes.
CHRIS: Now the reason for that is that if a user, for example, at a site had multiple different types of handsets, then you would have to make the same change for every one of them because they have their own different types of configuration files. So, in this example here I'm going to show you first how you get into set A tag for an entire site for one handset type. So, you can see here I've gone to the Utilities menu for that particular site and I've gone to Device Configuration and that lists the different devices that it knows about at the site at this point in time.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: So, you can see here there's the Cisco 88X5 multi-platform phone with DMS support. In other words, it's supported by TIPT DMS.
TOBY: Yes.
CHRIS: So that's the one we need to change. So, I'll simply click on that, and I can go in there and you can see we have three tabs, Files, Custom Tags and Tag Set. The one we're interested in here is Custom Tags. So, I go in here and I can see that there are already some tags that have been set for all phones of this type at this site such as which codec to use by default. G722. And TIPT State is a system specific tag that tells the phone how to find the SBC's for TIPT.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: SBC = Session Border Controller]
CHRIS: So, in other words how it how where it connects to in TIPT to make a phone call.
CHRIS: Now if I wanted to add a tag, I can simply click on add and I will get a box popping up that tells me that I can now add an individual tag by name and its value. Now a word of warning, tag names are extremely precise.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: For example, I can have all the spelling look right, but if I make some basic error like using an underscore instead of hyphen, or vice versa, it can cause the tag to fail. OK, and an example of what would happen then is that when I try to rebuild the files and reset the phones, well, basically no behaviour change is going to work.
TOBY: Yeah.
CHRIS: And as a result, I know that I have an issue, so I might have to go back. So that's the way to change all the tags in one handset type.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: At the one site.
TOBY: And if there are multiple handsets at a site, I need to do it for each type of handset.
CHRIS: That's right. And that was that list that we saw a moment ago. Here they are again. Just to remind us. Now in my case, I want to change it for one, or imagine that I want to change it for one user. So, I'll click on your particular user ID and the path now into your individual set of custom tags is slightly different. I start at the profile area here you can see. I click on Addresses.
I then go across to configure identity profile or device profile, pardon me, and it will then bring up five individual areas rather than three or five individual tabs rather than three. Here's custom tags again and you can see at this stage there are no custom tags for you. So, what I would do is the same process again. I would add one if I want to. There's where I put the tag name in and that's where I put the tag value.
I click OK and when I come back out you would see it listed here. At that point, all I've done is say to TIPT. I would like to add A tag to this handset type for this site or this user.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: Now to actually force it to apply, I need to go to the Files tab, click on Rebuild the files, which will gather up all of the tags and change the configuration, the default files and then I can click on reset the phones and if the phones are idle they will begin to check their config, notice they need a new config file, pull it down and possibly reset.
TOBY: Right, so likely that an administrator would probably do this after hours to be safe.
CHRIS: Possibly, although the fact that they won't reboot during a phone call is a safe bet as far as not interrupting communication.
TOBY: Yeah.
CHRIS: That is one way to look at it.
But if you were doing an entire site and one and the handset types across one site and you have lots of them, yeah, it could have the effect of taking a lot of users out at once.
TOBY: Sure, you said how important the tag names were. Where do I find those?
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
CHRIS: Telstra Publishes configuration guides for TIPT for different types of handsets that show the individual tags names and the values and ranges of allowed values that they can individually hold.
Now a couple of words or additional words of warning there, sometimes you have to set multiple tags at once to change a behaviour.
TOBY: OK, all right.
CHRIS: So that's number one. Number two, and I made this point earlier, made sure you are very precise in observing how the syntax of these tags, particularly the names and the values look, because if you get the name or the value wrong, then it just won't work and it might not be clear why.
Probably the key message out of this is if the user makes changes like speed dials, they can do so using the button menu that you have on the phone itself. But next time the configuration has changed through the portal by the administrator, or there's new firmware, or whatever the case, if there's a change to the phone’s fundamental software, all those speed dials, if you've had several of them, they'll disappear again.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Configuring Busy Lamp Field (BLF) for a TIPT handset
In this video, you'll learn how to configure BLF (Busy lamp field) on a TIPT handset.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Configuring Busy Lamp Field (BLF) for a TIPT handset]
TOBY: Well, in this video we're going to talk about BLF or Busy Lamp Field. Now, just in case you don't know what that means, what does it mean?
CHRIS: It means that we're going to set up some of the line keys on a handset to be able to monitor the status of the lines for other people, right. Usually in the same office, but it could be nominally anybody within the enterprise.
TOBY: So that allows me, if I'm working as a backup to somebody or as part of the same team, if I see a call coming into one of my colleagues who is busy, I can pick that phone call up and…
CHRIS: Answer it for them. Yeah, absolutely.
TOBY: Right.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: BLFs double as speed dials]
CHRIS: And there's a nice little side effect. BLF double as speed dials.
[IMAGE ON SCREEN: Screenshot of the ‘Profile’ section from the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: So, we need to go back into the TIPT administration portal again as a CEA or CGA, and we go in and we identify the user on whose phone the BLF is to appear.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: And then we use the menu to go to the BLF feature settings.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: And the other thing to note about it too is that you don't control the keys on which it appears. It just appears. It automatically selects the next available spare key.
TOBY: Once it’s been set on a particular key, if I try to add a speed dial on to it, what happens?
CHRIS: It'll override that, and it'll get pushed down to another key.
TOBY: OK, yeah.
CHRIS: So, the BLF is sort of the last in the pecking order.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris configuring a Busy Lamp Field for a TIPT handset in the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: Alright, so we're going into the TIPT administration portal and in order to expedite things, we've already selected the user, which in this case is the 8865 Cisco handset. So, we go down rather than going in the addresses menu option, which is the one that we would use for custom tags, we go to client applications and you can see here's busy lamp field right here, right.
Now we click on busy lamp field, it'll show us the handset for which we are manipulating. And you can see if we look down below at the moment, you can see we don't have any monitored users listed. So that's telling us straight away that you don't have any BLFs on that phone right now.
So what we need to do first is identify the potential pool of user ID that we would like to add. Now the important thing to remember is if you click on search here and you have a large enterprise, there is a possibility it would return more user IDs than there is capacity to display them. And so it will reject that request and tell you to narrow the search.
TOBY: Right. OK.
CHRIS: So, what we're going to do here is rather than selecting on user ID, we're going to choose the group and we're going to choose our own group in this particular case. So, we're going to go down to, I know the identity of our group which is that and we'll do a search and we'll find it should come back with Sam Colleague.
TOBY: Right there you go.
CHRIS: So, we click on Sam Colleague and we hit the add button and it's now Sam is now a monitored user on the 8865 at phone number 62328308.
TOBY: Yes.
CHRIS: Alright. So we can just OK that or apply it. We'll just hit OK for now. Now, when we do this, we don't actually have to reset the phone.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: Instead, what will happen is this is virtually an immediate update to the phone. So when I OK it, what we can then do is watch for a changed reaction on the phone and see if one of the line keys comes up with our BLF.
TOBY: So, before we hit the OK button, let me just show you, we've got a slightly different physical setup here. Here's my 8865, the one that we've been showing some of the other functions on and over the other side we've got a phone that you might see I suppose in a work area or a guest for a receptionist to…
CHRIS: Cisco 6851.
TOBY: Yeah, OK. And you can see that as we've seen there Sam Colleague's phone is read that number at that number. Alright.
CHRIS: So that's an important number to notice because that's the one that you will be monitoring. OK, It's the O 68306 extension. Let's hit the OK button and there it is.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris hitting the OK button on the ‘Busy Lamp Field’ section of the TIPT Administration Portal]
TOBY: So, what happens now?
CHRIS: Well, why don't you start by pressing that as though it's a speed dial?
TOBY: Alright, I can do that. And there we go. It's working. That's good.
CHRIS: OK, so that tells you that when there's no call in progress, yeah, you can use it to call Sam Colleague quickly.
TOBY: Nice. I do like the fact that if we can zoom right in, the speed dial icon is a handset with speed lines on it, right? It's a very good, very good way of indicating immediately what it's for.
CHRIS: And you have a colour indicating status or presence is available.
TOBY: It's green.
CHRIS: It's green.
TOBY: Right. Now what happens? That was an easy answer, wasn't it? Sam's in use.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: OK, well, there's only one way to make sure it's working, and that's to try ringing Sam.
CHRIS: Alright, I'll ring Sam Colleague now and Sam’s ringing and both handsets ring. Let's pick up Sam's call. As you can see here, we've now got Sam showing as being busy in use. It's like a presence function.
TOBY: That's it. I'm now going to ring Sam and make sure that my phone still rings as well. And there it is. So I'll answer the call. Hello. And it's there. Fantastic. It's working. Alright. That shows how BLF's working. Can I set BLF up on Sam's phone so he can see me and answer on my behalf as well?
CHRIS: Yes. The same process really in reverse.
TOBY: The only thing is, I suppose I might be able to set up a phone number within a different group as long as it's within the same enterprise.
CHRIS: That's right.
TOBY: But I can't do an external number because it's just not gonna work.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Setting up Executive Assistant for TIPT
In this video, you'll learn how to set up the Executive Assistant feature for TIPT.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Setting up Executive Assistant for TIPT]
TOBY: The TIPT environment is perfect for busy individuals and business. And some of those we might call execs who are lucky enough in today's world to have an assistant. In this case, we're going to call them an executive assistant. And in this video, we're going to show how that translates into a TIPT environment.
CHRIS: That's right. So in our example here, we have Raph, the exec and Ashley, the PA.
CHRIS: And that's what these two phones here are. We have Raph set up here on our left and Ashley set up on our right.
TOBY: Right.
CHRIS: We're going to now go into TIPT administration portal, turn on the executive assistant feature and then make a call and see if both phones ring.
TOBY: OK, let's do that.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris setting up an Executive Assistant in the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: So, in the TIPT administration portal, we start in Raph the exec’s profile, we go to the call control option in the menu and then choose executive. And in there what we need to do is to identify who our executive assistants are going to be so we can do a search on user ID.
Now, because we have such a large demo enterprise here, we need to filter the group down a little bit so we don't end up with too many choices. So, we're filtering down to our particular group and we can see that there are two potential candidates here. Now, you might say we have a lot of users in this organisation. Why are these two? The reason is that the executive and the executive assistant both must have the executive feature pack assigned to them.
CHRIS: So, if you've got one of those with the standard pack that you have to take the standard pack away and give them the executive pack.
TOBY: All right.
CHRIS: All right. So, we're going to say that Ashley is now being added as our executive assistant,
TOBY: Alright.
CHRIS: So, we can apply that. And then up here we can see some filtering tabs.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: Screening tabs, alerting tabs. So what we're going to do is we're going to turn on call filtering and we're just basically going to go through each of the tabs and set up the screening and filtering features that we want and the alerting features as well. And then we apply them and OK. And that's all we need to do. But why don't we try and make a call? Let's do that.
TOBY: And ideally, when we ring Raph, the exec, both phones should ring.
CHRIS: That's right. So, we're now ringing Raph, the exec, from another person in the enterprise.
CHRIS: And there they are. And then we can answer on Ashley's phone in this particular example. But you could just as easily have answered as Raph, if Raph, preferred to pick that up based on seeing the call come in. So, there we are, fairly simple, straightforward setup.
TOBY: The big tip here is to make sure they're both on the executive pack.
CHRIS: That's right.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
Setting up Group Paging for TIPT
vIn this video, you'll learn how to set up the Group Paging feature for TIPT
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Setting up Group Paging for TIPT]
TOBY: You know, many working environments, people are physically distributed now it could be a large office or it could be an office and a warehouse or something like that. And it's important to be able to find somebody quickly and that's where group paging comes in. And in this video, we're going to show you how to do that.
CHRIS: OK. So, this is really a case of setting up a group paging service in TIPT administration portal.
You identify what number you want to use as the paging group. So, the pager, the originator of the page will call that number. And then once it's active, they can speak into the phone just as though into the handset just like normal. And there they will effectively be broadcast out all of the participant targets in the paging group.
[ON SCREEN: Screen recording of Chris demonstrating how to set up group paging on the TIPT Administration Portal]
CHRIS: All right. So, in order to set up group paging, the first thing we need to do is go to the TIPT Administration portal and we select the group or the site in TIPT language for where we want the group page to apply.
So, this is a site-by-Site service. We then go down to Services from the options menu, and you'll find there's a Group Paging Advanced option. You click on that.
Now, at the moment we don't have any group pages for this site, so we're going to add one. Now, before you do this, you need to have an idea what number you want to use as the group paging number. This should be a spare number. Well, it has to be a spare number so it's not assigned to a user already, and it can be even deactivated. The service will make it active enough for it to work with the service. So, our paging group ID, we'll call it ThisSitePaging.
OK, so that's the paging group ID. Now, it isn't unusual to put the actual phone number in there. The reason I haven't done that is because I want to make it very easy to identify.
TOBY: Yep.
CHRIS: And then we can just repeat that.
Now I've just repeating some of these just to make it easy.
TOBY: Mhm.
CHRIS: OK, so at this point what we have is a new paging group. I select that I now have to assign the phone number that I'm going to use, and the dropdown box will only show me the free numbers. So that's why it's important you don't try to use a number that a user already has. We'll choose the top of the available range just to make it easy to remember and now what we do. You can actually set your own announcement repository up, but we're happy to run with the default originators. These are the people who can call the number to issue a page.
TOBY: Right. So, it might, as an example, it might be a front desk?
CHRIS: Correct.
TOBY: It could be maybe the meeting organiser, could be the warehouse manager or something like that.
CHRIS: That's right. And you can be in both so that you hear the group pages that you don't originate.
Now I've narrowed down the search criteria to our site. Otherwise, it returns too many users.
TOBY: Yes. So, you're selecting Lou Chan to start off with and Lou is our receptionist for this business.
CHRIS: That's right. And I'll choose a couple of others just to show that we can have a bit of a broad set of users. So, I'll choose Charlie Malone and I'll choose our executive and the exec's PA as well. So, they're going to be the people who can initiate the page and we add those to the initiation group or the originator group. We then go to targets. And for this one, we're just going to say that everybody at the site can be a target.
TOBY: Right. But you could set this up so that it's warehouse only or level 5 only or something like that.
CHRIS: That's right, you could. So, we'll just do our multiple select. I'm leaving some of the key system stuff out.
TOBY: Sure.
CHRIS: Just for this demonstration. Add those, apply and OK. Right. So, at this point we have effectively a basic working paging group.
Now there's one last tip. We assigned the number 62328320.
TOBY: Yes.
CHRIS: To this service.
TOBY: Yep, OK.
CHRIS: In this particular case, if you dial that number, even from an internal handset, you'll get a number unavailable
TOBY: Right, OK, because you're dialling an external number.
CHRIS: Well, extensively, yes. You need to use the short code.
TOBY: Alright, The extension only.
CHRIS: That's right, 8320.
TOBY: That's a really important tip, right? OK, well, Chris, why don't we give this a go? Now, if we were to use these phones as they are, we're going to get some feedback. So, I'm going to ask you to take your laptop and your soft phone in this case, disappear into another room and maybe give us a group page from somewhere else.
CHRIS: All right, let's see how it goes.
PHONE: Paging.
CHRIS (OVER THE PHONE): This is a demonstration of group paging. You should be able to hear me now.
TOBY: And there it is. That's another example of what you can do in the TIPT environment.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-support]
TIPT summary
We wish you all the best on your TIPT journey. Here's a quick summary video, and remember you can get more information from tel.st/TIPT-support or contact your local Telstra representative or Telstra business partner.
TOBY: Well, I hope you've enjoyed all the videos that you've needed in order to make you TIPT experience as easy as possible. Look, we've certainly enjoyed the unboxing the, you know, the configurations, the pulling things apart, plugging it in, giving you tips, hints, that sort of thing. We've covered a lot, right?
CHRIS: That's right. But it's all been part of the, I guess, the process of showing you what it's like to get a TIPT environment running and useful inside your organisation.
TOBY: Now a couple of things, a couple of little hints I suppose is overall hints. Use the UCCS as your starting point. Pretty well for almost everything.
CHRIS: Certainly for, well, certainly for the enterprise administrator. So if you're kicking off a provisioning or an activation process to get new users into the system with their phone numbers and their devices, start with the UCSS because you'll find it'll save you an awful lot of detailed work later.
TOBY: It's timely and easier, isn't it?
CHRIS: That's right, yeah.
TOBY: Now if I need to do anything specific, we've got the Telstra admin portal or the TAP, that’s what we called it. So your customer group administrators will jump in there and they'll be doing more detailed work, be something simple like setting up speed dial. There are some more sophisticated things that you can do in there as well.
TOBY: And a ton of useful other applications to choose from.
CHRIS: Well, a couple of examples come to mind, virtual media rooms, VMRs. We looked at my reception and we also have contact centre application.
TOBY: It's driven by the business requirement though, so whatever your business requirement is, there might be a piece of technology that can help. And of course, if you want to explore different areas, talk to your Telstra account team or your Telstra business partner and they'll come up with ideas on how technology can assist you.
CHRIS: But of course, you can do it all yourself using the portals and all of the tools that we've shown you here.
TOBY: That's very true. Best of luck on your TIPT journey.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: tel.st/TIPT-suport]