Corporate contacts

Get in touch with Telstra

Find our media, investor, career, museum, and corporate contact information. For customer enquiries, contact us.

What's your enquiry about?

The following services are available for journalist queries only.

Email us

Journalists can contact the Telstra media relations team by email at: This is a monitored inbox where your email will be received and a member of the Telstra media team will respond.

Shareholder enquiries

Telstra shareholders wishing to update their address, bank details, view your account balance, lodge your tax file number or sign up as an electronic shareholder can log in to Link Market Services on our shareholder services site.

For other enquiries relating to your shareholding please contact the relevant Telstra Share Registry:

Australia - Telstra Share Registrar
Link Market Services Limited
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
Telephone: 1300 88 66 77 (Australia only)
Telephone: +61 2 8280 7111 (International)
+61 2 9287 0303

Operating Hours: 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday

Investor Relations

Nathan Burley
Head of Investor Relations
Level 28, 242 Exhibition Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia
Telephone: 1800 880 679 (Australia only)
Telephone:+61 3 8647 4954 (International)

Treasury Enquiries

Questions or comments regarding any information contained within the Treasury section of this website can be directed to:

Corporate Treasury 
Level 28, 242 Exhibition Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Registered Office

Sue Laver
Company Secretary
Level 41, 242 Exhibition Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia
Telephone: 1300 368 387

American Depository Receipts

Contact details for ADR investors and brokers
Deutsche Bank ADR broker services desks
New York:+1 212 250 9100
London:+44 207 547 6500

Contact details for registered ADR holders
Deutsche Bank Shareholder Services
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
Operations Center
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11219
Telephone (toll free):+1 866 706 0509
Telephone (direct):+1 718 921 8124

Telstra American Depository Receipts (ADRs) trade on the Over-the-Counter market under the symbol "TLGPY".

For job vacancies and information on working at Telstra, please visit the Telstra Careers website. If you have a general query please email us.

Telstra's Historical Collection includes a variety of telecommunications equipment and archival documentation. The Collection is cared for by a dedicated team of volunteers and is housed at museums in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. Take a look at Telstra on Flickr for photos from the collection and from Telstra over the years.

For enquiries and tour bookings, please contact your nearest Telstra Museum:

New South Wales

12 Kitchener Parade
Bankstown NSW 2200

T: 1800 MUSEUM (1800 687 386)

Open Tuesday and Wednesday (by appointment).
Other days can be arranged based on volunteer availability.


Hawthorn Telephone Exchange

375 Burwood Road
Hawthorn VIC 3122

T: 1800 MUSEUM (1800 687 386)

Open Wednesday (by appointment).
Other days can be arranged based on volunteer availability.


Postal-Telecommunications Historical Society of Queensland

3 Oriel Road (cnr Sandgate Road)
Clayfield QLD 4001

T: 1800 MUSEUM (1800 687 386)

Open Wednesday (9am to 2pm) (by appointment).


For more information about Telstra's sustainability activities, reporting or performance please email us.


For more information about Telstra Procurement, please email us.

Industry analysts

For queries from industry analysts, please email us.

Telstra Applications and Ventures Group

The Telstra Applications and Ventures Group can be contacted by mail: Locked Bag 6507, Sydney NSW 2011.

If you have any feedback for us, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the Telstra Corporate Switchboard on 1300 368 387.